Traction Software Inc.
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Takashi Okutsu (takashi)
Dashboard Special Content plug-in
This plugin allows you to insert special content such as menus at the top of the dashboard, above each section, and decorate them using style sheets and JavaScript. Installation Click the link below to download the zip file of this plugin. Log in to TeamPage as a Server Administrator and upload the .zip file in the Server Settings > Plugins page. Go to the Server Settings > General > Manage ...
Takashi Okutsu / Forum7084 / March 29, 2023 / 11:55 PM
Viewed-by Information plug-in
[viewedby_eyecatch.png]This plug-in displays the information of who has viewed a specific entry (article) in the Related Content section and allows you to replace the user list in the built-in "Viewed-By" box in the side column. Install Note: You need to grant server level 'Access Address Book' permission to people on your TeamPage server to allow them to view the names of people who have ...
Takashi Okutsu / Forum7050 / July 6, 2020 / 3:33 AM
Flex Task and Event Details plug-in
The details table that displays the priority, the due date, the event start and end date times, the invitees etc. in 2 columns. (Technically, the number of the columns is 4 since there are the label and value columns for each item.) [image1.png] The columns get separated from each other in a wide window and that made me feel like using the space and pushing them into 3 columns. On the other ...
Takashi Okutsu / Forum7045 / March 4, 2020 / 2:48 AM
Image Rotation plug-in
Rotate! (image)This plug-in shows the "Rotate" label on the top-right of an image embedded in the body text of an article and displayed on the image-dialog. Every time you click the label, the image will rotate to the right 90 degrees. Background Some users in a forestry company in Japan take pictures (photos) at the job sites by using their cellphones and send the pictures via email to their ...
Takashi Okutsu / Forum7034 / January 29, 2020 / 9:43 AM
Dashboard 4 Sections Support plug-in
This plug-in adds the support for the "Small" width section setting that will allow the Dashboard view display max to 4 sections in a row. In the old Mexico and Ocean skins, it was supported to display max to 4 sections horizontally in a row in the Dashboard view but it has not been supported in Proteus for a long time. If you select the "Small" option in the section setting, the Proteus ...
Takashi Okutsu / Forum7029 / October 28, 2019 / 12:45 AM
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Example: A usecase of the Proteus Custom JavaScript & CSS plug-in 
One of the Japanese customers is using this plug-in to display the "Add" button in a "Discussions" section in a specific space. Here is the example JavaScript code. Proteus.addHandler("load", function() { // Parameters // targetSpace (where this code works) // Section ID // The label text displayed on the "Add" button // Default post space (automatically selected on the form) // Form name // ...
Takashi Okutsu / Forum6927 / May 25, 2018 / 4:29 AM
Entry Discussion Thread Tab plug-in
This plugin adds "Discussion Thread" tab in the single entry view. Discussion Thread Tab Install Click the link below to download the zip file of this plug-in. Log in to your TeamPage server as a server administrator and open Server Settings > Plugins page. Upload the zip file and you will see "I18N ERROR" in the installed plugins list. Don't worry. This means the language files in the zip ...
Takashi Okutsu / Forum6698 / September 18, 2016 / 10:11 AM
DataTables plug-in
This plug-in uses the DataTables jQuery plug-in to offer a new kind of widget. If you're a developer, this plug-in also offers you a way to include your own DataTable widgets in a TeamPage plug-in. Download (Note: starting with version 6.2.30, TeamPage's installers now automatically install this plug-in.) DataTables Widget How to insert a widget You can easily insert a DataTable as a widget ...
Takashi Okutsu / Forum6642 / June 5, 2016 / 4:58 PM
Google Analytics for Proteus plug-in
Mr.Ken Nakamura, one of the TeamPage customers in Japan, created the original version of this plugin. I (Takashi) made it work for Proteus. Note: Support1918 is an out-of-date plugin for the Mexico and Ocean skin, which are already obsoleted. Download Click the link below to download the .zip file. Google Analytics for Proteus plug-in /db/attachments/forum/5638/share/ 6 KB net.myfloater.www3. ...
Takashi Okutsu / Forum5638 / November 29, 2012 / 11:54 PM