Title: Example: A usecase of the Proteus Custom JavaScript & CSS plug-in

One of the Japanese customers is using this plug-in to display the "Add" button in a "Discussions" section in a specific space. Here is the example JavaScript code.

Proteus.addHandler("load", function() {
  // Parameters
  // targetSpace (where this code works)
  // Section ID
  // The label text displayed on the "Add" button
  // Default post space (automatically selected on the form)
  // Form name
  // Tags (e.g. '+:FAQ,+:todo')
  addButtonToSpecificSectionOnDashboard('Sales','discussions','Add New Status Update','Sales','status','');

function addButtonToSpecificSectionOnDashboard(targetSpace,sectId,buttonLabel,postSpace,formName,addTags) {

  var targetViewName = 'dashboard';
  var hash = location.hash;
  var viewNameArray = hash.match(/#\/(\w+).*/);
  var encodedTargetSpace = encodeURIComponent(targetSpace).toLowerCase();

  if (viewNameArray[1] && viewNameArray[1] == targetViewName) {
    if (hash) {
      var param = hash.split('&');
      var paramArray = [];
      for (i = 0; i < param.length; i++) {
        var paramItem = param[i].split('=');
        paramArray[paramItem[0]] = paramItem[1];

      var proj = paramArray.proj.toLowerCase();

      if (proj == targetSpace || proj == encodedTargetSpace) {
      	if ($('.sect-' + sectId + ' .sctrl .sngl:eq(1) .proteus-custom-add-button').length) {
      	  // Don't add the "Add" button if there is already the "Add" button.
      	} else {
          $('.sect-' + sectId + ' .sctrl .sngl:eq(1)').append('<a class="add proteus-custom-add-button" href="javascript:void(0);" rg="a#form&form=' + formName + '&default_project=' + postSpace + '&default_tags=' + addTags + '">' + buttonLabel + '</a>');


Related Articles
Article: Forum6927 (permalink)
Categories: :Doc:plug-in
Date: May 25, 2018; 4:29:47 AM Eastern Daylight Time

Author Name: Takashi Okutsu
Author ID: takashi