Title: Google Analytics for Proteus plug-in

Mr.Ken Nakamura, one of the TeamPage customers in Japan, created the original version of this plugin. I (Takashi) made it work for Proteus.

Note: Support1918 is an out-of-date plugin for the Mexico and Ocean skin, which are already obsoleted.


Click the link below to download the .zip file.

Google Analytics for Proteus plug-in /db/attachments/forum/5638/share/
 6 KBnet.myfloater.www3.googleanalytics-0.15.0.zipDec 23, 20242:53:34 AM EST


Install the .zip file in Server Settings > Plugins tab. You will see "Google Analytics for Proteus Skin" plugin appears in the installed plugins list.

Go to Server Settings > General > Manage Server and click the [Clear Caches] button.

If you are updating it from an older version, please go to Server Settings > Server Files > Other Files > Customizable Configuration and click the [Force Client Reload of Static Resources] button.


Click [Configure] link to open the setup dialog.

You need to fill in your Google Analytics Tracking Code, which starts from "G-".

Click the [Apply] button and close the setup dialog.

How it works

Every page-loading in Proteus, your tracking data will be sent to Google Analytics by JavaScript inserted by this plugin. It takes at least hours for Google Analytics to summarize and reflect the results on your Analytics page. Just wait for a day, and you will see the results like this.


We would like to thank Traction team, especially Chris and Dave, for having given us helpful advices.

Shared Files for Forum5638
Article: Forum5638 (permalink)
Categories: :Doc:plug-in
Date: November 29, 2012; 11:54:18 PM Eastern Standard Time

Author Name: Takashi Okutsu
Author ID: takashi