Title: Linkbox Widget plug-in

This plug-in provides the "linkbox" widget that is an embedded link to another entry (e.g. article, task, event, goal, etc) and displayed as a kind of "box" or "card" in the body content of the entry.

The basic and normal link in a TeamPage entry is something like this -- Forum6831: Questionnaire Form Plug-in -- but don't you think it is too simple? You may think...

(1) I can see the title of the target entry only. I want its summary so that I can catch it up before clicking the link.

(2) The link doesn't show its submission date (and update date). I can't see whether the target article is new or old until I open it.

(3) If the link shows an eye-catch image, it would be very nice.

So here is the answer. Use this widget to make links fancy!


Main unit

Click the link below to download the .zip file of this plug-in.


If you want to use the widget for the linkbox (the setting dialog for the linkbox), please install the following zip file as well.

How to install

Log in to your TeamPage server and open Server Settings > Plugins. Select the .zip file(s) and upload it.

After upload, you will see the I18N error, but don't worry. This error means just the language files (locale files) have not loaded yet.

Open Server Settings > General > Manage Server page and click the "Restart TeamPage" button so that TeamPage server loads the language files.

If your TeamPage is hosted in Traction's cloud environment, you will need to restart twice.

Then open Server Settings > Plugins page again to find "Linkbox Widget" plug-in is available.


Without The Widget

Without the widget, you have to type the following "command" to insert a linkbox.

The benefit of not using the widget is that you can always see and check the content of your balloon easily because the richtext editor (TinyMCE) never converts your "command" to a widget icon.

The Simplest Format

You must double-parenthesize the widget name "linkbox" with a slash character and the ID (Traction ID) of the target entry.

The detailed Format

You can add the options (parameters) as you like. Please read the following section for details.



Specify the ID of the target entry. If you want to specify multiple entries, please combine the IDs with comma characters. (e.g. entry="foo123,bar456,buz789")


Select the "size" of the linkbox.


Select the "width" of the linkbox.


A linkbox displays the short description (= the 1st paragraph content) of the target entry under the title by default. If you write your own description with this desc= option, it will be displayed under the title instead of the 1st paragraph content.

If the length of the description is larger than 144 characters, the remaining part of the description will be omitted with the "Read more" link. You can change the threshold value in the plugin's configuration. (Go to the Server Settings > Plugins page and click the [configure] link in this plugin.)

label="something or nothing"

The "Related" label is displayed in the title row by default. You can change the description of the label. If you set label="", no label will be displayed.


A linkbox picks up the first picture in the target entry and displays it as an "eye-catch" image. If you set image="hide", the eye-catch image will not be displayed.


A linkbox can display the tags added to the target entry under the title if you set tag="show". Please note that you should use the tag= option rather than the tags= option. (singular)

With The Widget

To insert a linkbox widget, display the "Insert/Edit Widget" dialog and select "Linkbox".

Select "Linkbox" Widget

Enter the ID(s) of the target entry, select options, and click "OK".

Widget options

Then you will see that the widget is inserted into the body text.

Inserted Widget


Here are several live examples of the linkboxes.

One large linkbox

Two half-width linkboxes, large

Two half-width linkboxes, small, the label says "😀", with tags

Related Articles
Article: Forum6989 (permalink)
Categories: :Doc:plug-in
Date: May 9, 2019; 12:22:06 AM Eastern Daylight Time

Author Name: Takashi Okutsu
Author ID: takashi