- renders links to expanded views of the sections defined for the front page, if the user has elected to display them in the current context (the default behavior is to display this list on the front page only, so ordinarily, these links won't appear on views centered on a single project).
- renders a Space (formerly Project) activity listing, that may be a flat text listing or a selector depending upon the user's preference.project
- renders a Space (formerly called Projects in 4.currentproject
- renders the name of the current Space. If the sections attribute is not set to "false", the Space's newspage/toc
- renders a Space's Table of Contents. The top-level items are the ones listed in Space Setup > Newspage / Dashboard > Navigation Links > Root Articles. Underneath these are the children of each of the root articles, and then the children's children, and so on. The <toc/label
- renders a tag (formerly called label) activity line for the tag specified by the tag's name attribute. Use the display attribute to specify a display name for the tag (other than the tag name).
- renders a hierarchical group heading for a list of tags, taking the heading text from the name attribute. Usually, this tag will have any number of instances of the label tag and other instances of the group tag itself as children. Here is an example how to use the group tag and the label tag to create a hierarchical display of a set of labels:<group name="Computing">
<group name="Technologies">
<label name=":computing:hardware" display="Hardware" />
<label name=":computing:software" display="Software" />
<label name=":computing:programming" display="Programming" />
<label name=":computing:robotics" display="Robotics" />
<label name=":computing:security" display="Security" />
<group name="Types of Software">
<label name=":computing:software:audio" display="Audio" />
<label name=":computing:software:browsers" display="Web Browsers" />
<label name=":computing:software:email" display="Email" />
<label name=":computing:software:graphics" display="Graphics" />
<label name=":computing:software:os" display="Operating Systems" />
<group name="Standards">
<label name=":computing:standards:css" display="CSS" />
<label name=":computing:standards:dom" display="DOM" />
<label name=":computing:standards:html" display="HTML" />
<label name=":computing:standards:http" display="HTTP" />
<label name=":computing:standards:xml" display="XML" />
- has the same effect as a group tag with label tag children for all labels in the current project whose names start with a given prefix, specified by the prefix attribute. Here is an example of how to use the labelgroup tag to show a hierarchical listing of the labels whose names begin with the prefix "bug:":<group name="Bugs">
<group name="General">
<label name=":bug" display="bug"/><labelgroup prefix="bug:" />
<label name=":duplicate"/>
<!-- ... →
- renders a standard tag activity listing for any tags whose activity has not already been displayed manually with an instance of the tag.
- renders the "On This Page" block for the current view, which is a list of the tags appearing in the view. Next to each tag is a number in parenthesis representing the number of occurrences of the label. Here is an example of the rendering for the onthispage tag in the Mexico skin.sdl
- evaluates an SDL template or function. The template or function to be evaluated is specified in standard SDL template specification syntax using the tag's template attribute, e.<sdl template="com.traction.sdl.lib.elements#somefunction" />
- renders a link to the URL specified by the href attribute. The optional description attribute may be specified to indicate the text to be used for the title tip. The value of the name attribute is used as the link text. For example, this links to <link href="" description ="Open Traction Software Website" name="Traction Software"/>. You may add a target parameter such as target="_blank" if you want to the link to open a new page.
- renders a link to the TeamPage view or resource referenced by the rapid selector expression specified in the rs attribute. The rsattribute should include your rapid expression. The value of the name attribute is used as the link text. The optional descriptionattribute may be specified to indicate the text to be used for the title tip, and the display title of the target page (when applicable). e.<rslink rs="/section MyProj$todo" name="Recent To Do" description="Recent To Do Items in My Project" />