Title: Calendar Add Links plug-in

Note: In TeamPage 6.1.10 or higher, you usually don't have to install this plug-in because it is installed by default. If you are using the FullCalendar plug-in version 1.0.11 or higher, the settings of this plug-in can be configurable in the FullCalendar plug-in's configuration view.

This plugin make it possible to create a new event and a new task (and other types of entries -- you can add by installing plug-ins) from a target cell (day) in the calendar.

In the example below, when I move my cursor into the "Sep 7" cell, the event and the task links icons show up in the cell. When I click the link, the new Event/Task form shows up with the date of "Sep 7".


Download the zip file from the link below.

Log in to your TeamPage server as a server administrator, open Server Settings > Plugins page, and upload the zip file.

You will see the "I18N ERROR". Don't worry. This "error" is just a notification that the language files included in the zip file are not loaded yet.

Open Server Settings > General > Manage Server page and click [Restart TeamPage] button. If your TeamPage server is hosted in Traction's cloud environment, you need to restart twice.

After restarting TeamPage server, open Server Settings > Plugins page again and the plugin is installed and displayed successfully.


If you have Forum6312: Phone Notes Form plug-in installed in your TeamPage server, the "Add New Phone Notes" icon will show up next to the existing icons in the cell.

Related Articles
Article: Forum6714 (permalink)
Categories: :Doc:plug-in
Date: September 28, 2016; 1:58:17 AM Eastern Daylight Time

Author Name: Takashi Okutsu
Author ID: takashi