Title: Port

By default, Traction runs on port 8080. If you would like to run on a different port, you can enter a different port number here. The change will not take effect until you restart the server.

If you also specify a Address, Traction will bind specifically to that IP address.

Note: It is possible to run Traction on up to 3 ports simultaneously, with different security settings on each. You might do this to allow unencrypted http access within your firewall but require https outside your firewall. This can only be configured by editing the Traction.properties file while the server is shut down. Please contact Traction support (support@tractionsoftware.com) for instructions.

Can I run Traction on protected ports like port 80 (HTTP) or 443 (HTTPS)?

Yes, provided that the port is not already in use and that Traction run as a Windows Administrator account or a Unix root user. Ports less than 1024 can only be accessed by programs running with root/Administrator permissions.

What if I already have a server running on the port Traction uses?

If you already have a process using that port, Traction will not be able to start and will report the following error to both the console and to the traction.log logfile:

If you receive this error, you will need to shut down the other server, or bind it to a different IP address than the one to which you bind the Traction server.

If I want to run on port 80, do I really have to run as root?

Techniques for working around this requirement exist, but tend to be very platform and installation specific and are outside the scope of what we cover in this guide.

Depending on your platform, you may be able to reroute traffic from port 80/443 to other ports. For example, on Solaris and BSD, you might add a line like this to ipnat.conf:

rdr dnet0 port 80 -> port 8080

If you replace dnet0 with the interface you want to remap from and with the IP address of the host running Traction, traffic on port 80 can be shifted to a non-root process on, in this case, Traction's default port 8080. On Linux you can do the same thing using ipchains.

Some customers use a port-forwarding router to direct traffic to other ports.

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Article: Doc201 (permalink)
Date: March 22, 2008; 4:11:59 PM Eastern Daylight Time

Author Name: Documentation Importer
Author ID: importer