Title: TeamPage 5.2.40

Published 12 Mar 2012 This article describes what's new in Traction® TeamPage version 5.2.40. Highlights include: Support for IE 10; Improved processing of emailed comments; Improvements for mobile device support - particularly iPad; Swedish localization; New plug-ins for additional layout control; Page load time and other performance improvements.

Download TeamPage 5.2

Features and Improvements

• Moved Attivio support to a plug-in in preparation for adding support for Attivio 3. Customers will be able to configure TeamPage to run with their current Attivio version by installing the plug-in that matches their Attivio version. Note: Attivio version 2.2 is still the default with this release.

• TeamPage now supports determining the target for a comment sent to your TeamPage inbox by processing the optional + component of the email address (if your email server supports this component). For example, if your mailbox address is inbox@example.com, you can send a message to inbox+public123@example.com in order to have your entry created as a comment on Public123. Email notifications also now automatically use this idiom to facilitate easy replies via the Reply button in your email program, by setting the Reply-To address accordingly, rather than adding a reply directive to the notification message's subject. This allows your email program's normal thread grouping behavior to work properly based upon the message subject. (Reply directives in the subject of your message to your TeamPage inbox still work.) (Server56880)

• Added a Swedish localization for TeamPage's user interface. Many thanks to Christian Axen for this translation.

• Created and enabled by default a plug-in that always puts the spaces list near the top of the Proteus sidebar.

• Created a plug-in that forces the sidebar entry to appear in all contexts. See Forum5245.

• Further shrunk the footprint of the Proteus skin's CSS and Javascript resources, improving page-load time.

• Many usability and visual improvements plus many bug fixes for mobile and tablet devices, particularly the iPad.

• Added support for Internet Explorer 10.

Bug / Issue Fixes

• Fixed a problem with some generated Attivio search view URLs that could cause some links to modified versions of advanced searches to refer to views that no longer correctly interpret the advanced search query. (392a89fab693)

• Fixed a problem initializing an email address pillbox field in a custom form. (d385403c1b38)

• Fixed a bug that prevented daemons from being shut down or started if an administrator deactivated or reactivated some or all daemons. (57fbafbb008b)

• Changed the way that some Social Enterprise Web (SEW) related database queries are invoked to avoid extra work installations that are not licensed to use SEW features. Any errors reported on the console or in log files were harmless, but there was no need to perform these queries. (5c1dc268af74 / f819599813b9 / 6bc27cd64e45)

• Changed the way that the zero width optional line break idiom is used to allow the browser to insert line breaks in otherwise long unbroken strings to accommodate IE8. (2f2beddbafb2 / 19b3d7454b35)

• Changed the way that temporary files are created to prevent a possible file leak. There is no evidence that this leak was seen in practice, but this change will avoid the possibility of it actually occurring. We recommend that you delete old temporary files manually every so often by visiting Server Setup | Server Files > Other Files | Uploaded Files and clicking the "Delete Files" button under the Temporary Files summary. (66419769ff12)

• Fixed a bug that caused the Email Articles feature to fail to send the attachments to articles along with the articles, when the "file" attachment store is being used. This does not affect customers using the default WebDAV attachment store. (f8b1bd655402)

• Fixed some encoding problems with special characters that sometimes prevented some PDF export operations from succeeding. (60b14e5a9bc0)

• Fixed a bug that sometimes prevented email replies from being sent when the reply target had been originally created via email. (AKJ14946)

• Greatly improved the performance of loading the project and milestone selectors that appear in the task form (and elsewhere). In previous versions, when using Internet Explorer and Safari, users could see their browser become unresponsive for many seconds while the task form was being displayed. The task form should now be displayed immediately after the browser receives the necessary data. (Proteus8705 / 5921a617aebf)

• Fixed an issue that could cause a Javascript error when adding a tag to a task or project when the user does not have Change Tag permission in the currently selected space. (FDA3971)

• Fixed a bug that could prevent an email digest from being sent if the message included attachments from any of the entries included in the digest. (923a9d51736c)

• Changed the way event listeners are notified of an event to avoid making the user whose operation triggered that event wait an unnecessarily long time for the post to complete. This could represent a significant improvement for you if your TeamPage journal has many active user accounts. (Server59762 / Server59943)

• Modified the way that Safari users are warned when trying to post an entry that includes an embedded reference to a temporary image file on their local system. Safari users can drag and drop to upload files into the form when creating or editing an entry; but, as has always been the case, due to security concerns, it is not possible for the browser to automatically upload a local file that happens to be referenced in a rich text editor in the browser. Safari users who copy and paste something that contains an image into TeamPage's rich text editor will now receive an appropriate warning. (Help8348) Note that HTML 5 drag and drop image upload still works delightfully in Safari.

• Fixed a bug that prevented processing of incoming email messages that have no body. This issue is not common, but certain mobile mail clients may produce such messages (this issue was reported by one customer). (AKJ14931)

• Fixed a bug that prevented the comment action from working on tasks newly posted with the inline task form (from, e.g., at the top of a Project's Tasks tab). (Proteus8652)

• Fixed a bug in the transformer script used to create a plain text version of an HTML document or snippet which could cause literal CSS or Javascript to have been included in the plain text output. (fdb65a7ddca4)

• Added support for compatibility mode in Internet Explorer 9 to address a problem some users reported attempting to upload files or create new folders from a view of a share folder (Documents tab). (AKJ14050)

• Fixed an issue specific to Internet Explorer that prevented certain links from working properly in the Proteus skin. (AKJ13649)

• Fixed a style issue specific to Internet Explorer 8 in which Proteus skin's space search dialog contained a large amount of unnecessary space. (FDA4054)

• Fixed an issue that prevented attachments to entries being emailed out via the Email Articles feature from being included in the count of total attachments to the email message. (Server59809)

• Fixed a long-standing issue that could prevent a section's "max" setting from being properly observed if the "Skip articles appearing in other sections" option was enabled for that section and at least one other section appearing before it in a page. (AKJ15023)

• Fixed an issue that could cause "def-val-null" to appear in the Outgoing HTTP Proxy Request Address field on the Server Setup | Network page. (Server59807)

• Fixed a long-standing limitation that prevented the "to do" or "done" tag from being applied by the task, milestone or project form when the user creating or editing the entry has only Read Own permission in the target space (i.e., not Read Drafts or Read Published permissions). (Proteus8737)

• Fixed an encoding issue that could prevent the multi entry tag form from appearing if the title of any of the target entries contained any of a set of certain special characters. When the "Change Tags" context menu item or the "Change Tags" button in the sidebar was clicked, the user would receive an error message instead of seeing the form. (Proteus8743)

• Changed the content that is used for the SEW Share/Comment form to prevent some text from erroneously being treated as a wiki-style page link when the share entry or comment was posted. (Proteus8686)

• Changed the bookmarklet that SEW users can click to share something from a web resource they're looking at in their browser to avoid a possible error, particularly if the resource being shared is an image (or something else other than a web page). Users who have the old bookmarklet in their browser's bookmarks toolbar will be warned that it is out of date the next time they try to use it. (Server59922)

• Fixed a bug that prevented user profile search results from being displayed in the Proteus skin. Previously, when the user entered a query in the search box with the "Search for users" option selected, the resulting page would contain a side column but no middle column or header, and no search results. (FDA4062)

• Added a button to the SMTP Test and Mailbox Test dialogs to launch the Trust Store Manager dialog. This is useful since mail sending or receiving issues are often related to the server certificate being used by the mail server not yet being trusted by the TeamPage server. Previously, a link to the Trust Store Manager dialog was only displayed in the case of test failure due to certain errors. (Server60064)

• Fixed an bug that could cause the image included in a share entry created via the SEW Share form not to be displayed. (Server59980)

• Fixed a style issue in the Proteus skin related to WYSIWYG styling of bullets for nested bulleted lists. Previously, although nested bulleted lists would appear to have different bullet styles in the rich text editor, only one bullet style was used for all levels of nesting when viewing the resulting entry in the Proteus skin. (FDA3652)

Developer Features

• Allow entry properties to be used in determining whether an entry should be claimed by a particular type. (a048528a4742)

• Refactored the SDL used to generate both the schemas and the layout for the task and project forms to make it easier to create derivative custom forms. (aae565faf4b4 / 17c5c583ccad)

• Improved support in TeamPage's Attivio search SDL tag set for the complete set of query options and other features. The Attivio search views and features are now also much easier to customize from within a TeamPage plug-in.

Related Articles
Article: Customer3894 (permalink)
Categories: :Doc:R52, :Doc:changelog
Date: February 26, 2012; 3:22:27 PM Eastern Standard Time

Author Name: Dave Shepperton
Author ID: shep