Title: Solr System Requirements

The following guidelines should help you determine the hardware or virtual hardware needed to run Solr Advanced Search with your TeamPage deployment. The guidelines are the same regardless of your platform.


Solr runs on Windows, Linux, macOS, and any other Unix platform that supports Java 8.


• The Windows and Linux installers include a Java JVM that can be used to run Solr, or you can use an Oracle or OpenJDK JVM already installed on the system. The JVM to use can be selected during installation.

• The Unix (Any) installer does not include a JVM. This is the recommended installer to use on macOS, so before installing on macOS, please first download and install a Java 8 JVM.

Required Software

lsof — For Linux, Mac, and Unix, it's necessary for lsof to be installed before the Solr start and stop scripts will be able to run properly.


Windows — When installing on Windows, Solr is automatically configured as a service that starts on boot.

Linux — When installing on Linux, init.d scripts are provided to start Solr on boot.

macOS — Scripts for starting Solr automatically on Macintosh are not currently provided.

Disk Space and RAM

The amount of disk space and RAM required by the Solr index are proportional to the number of entries, attachments, and shared files in your TeamPage journal.

Disk Space — We recommend that you provision the same amount of disk space for Solr that you have provisioned for the TeamPage journal.

RAM — The amount of RAM must be sufficient to handle the Solr index, and increases with the amount of disk space required. For small TeamPage journals, we recommend starting with 4GB of RAM. Larger journals will require substantially more RAM. A journal of 250,000 records should start with 16GB of RAM, while a journal of 500,000 records should start with 32GB of RAM. If indexing or search performance is sluggish, adding additional RAM generally improves the situation.

Hardware Recommendations

Processors — We recommend that the system running Solr have at least 4 processor cores.

Storage — For optimal performance, we recommend SSD drive or high-speed magnetic storage.

Next: Installing Solr 6 for TeamPage 6.2

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Categories: :Doc:FAQ
Date: February 24, 2017; 8:44:04 AM Eastern Standard Time

Author Name: Christopher Nuzum
Author ID: cjn