) is loaded as the "inside" of the skin via Ajax.
This means that the JavaScript codes work on Proteus should be written within the scope of Proteus.addHandler("load", function(){ DO SOMETHING });
Example 1 - Replacing [View Profile] in the profile menu with [My Profile Page]
Fill-in the following JavaScript code.
Proteus.addHandler("load", function() {
$('.profile-menu .menuitem-profile').html('<i></i>My Profile Page');
Example 2 - Replacing [Dashboard] tab label with [Main Page]
Fill-in the following code.
Proteus.addHandler("load", function() {
$('#primary-tabs .tab-dashboard a span').text('Main Page');
Example 1 - Coloring the heading "What are you working on?" red
Fill-in the following CSS code.
.view-status #body .liveblog-post h2 {
color: #cc0000;
Example 2 - Coloring the notification number red and enlarging 25%
Fill-in the following CSS code.
#menu .notifications-count {
background-color: #c00;
font-size: 125%;