Title: Calendars for Multiple Spaces and Upcoming N Weeks plug-in

The default Month calendar makes good sense when it is the first week or two of the current month. Once you are in the last week, the Month calendar is very limiting with the exception that you can look back easily to see what Tasks are over-due and what Events you took part in.

This plugin provides the upcoming N-weeks calendars for All Spaces, each space, and multiple spaces for you so that you can always overview the "upcoming future" easily.


Download the zip file from the link below.

Log in to your TeamPage server as a server administrator, open Server Settings > Plugins page, and upload the zip file.

You will see the "I18N ERROR". Don't worry. This "error" is just a notification that the language files included in the zip file are not loaded yet.

I18N Error

Open Server Settings > General > Manage Server page and click [Restart TeamPage] button. If your TeamPage server is hosted in Traction's cloud environment, you need to restart twice.

After restarting TeamPage server, open Server Settings > Plugins page again and the plugin is installed and displayed successfully.

How to user

Upcoming N-Weeks Calendar

All Spaces

Open All Spaces' [Calendar] tab > [Upcoming Weeks] sub-tab.

All Spaces Upcoming 4 weeks Calendar

Each Space

Open [Calendar] tab > [Upcoming Weeks] sub-tab in a space.

A space's upcoming 2 weeks calendar

Multiple Space Calendars (All Spaces only)

Open All Spaces' [Calendar] tab > [Multiple Spaces] sub-tab.


Server admins and each user can click [Configure] link to open the configuration view.

In the configuration view, you can select a "type" of the spaces displayed in the multiple space calendars view.

Select a type of the spaces

If you have lots of spaces where you have permission to read, and the calendars have lots of tasks and events, it could take a long time to complete loading the multiple space calendars view. In this case, select "Your Favorite Spaces" and select your "favorite spaces" to reduce the number of the spaces displayed in the multiple space calendars view.

Set up your favorite spaces

Related Articles
Article: Forum6713 (permalink)
Categories: :Doc:plug-in
Date: September 28, 2016; 1:32:29 AM Eastern Daylight Time

Author Name: Takashi Okutsu
Author ID: takashi