Title: Troubleshooting Using the Log File Viewer

You may enter what looks like correct configuration information, but your test lookup may return an error message like:

But you are the Server Administrator.

Traction has a number of built-in diagnostic and troubleshooting tools that can help you track down the problem.

At the bottom of the Test User Directory window is a link to the Server Setup page that lets you configure debug logging.

Turning on Debug Logging

Clicking this link will pop up the Server Setup | Server Files page.

On this page, you can turn on debug logging for many different Traction functions.

To turn on debug logging, fir make sure that the "log debugging information" checkbox is checked:

Next, decide what debug information you want to log and check the corresponding checkboxes. For debugging LDAP/Active Directory issues, we suggest the ones indicated below.

Once you have made your selections, click the apply button at the bottom of the page. When your changes have been applied, the Apply button will become grey, indicating there are no pending changes.

Using the Log File Viewer

Click the "Open Log File Viewer" button on the Test User Directory to open the viewer.

The viewer pops open in a new window.

This viewer has a number of controls that let you explore log files.

  1. Name of the file being inspected. Clicking this link opens the file in a new window.

  2. File contents. Only n lines are shown, where n is specifid in control 4.

  3. Checkbox to turn on/off wrapping of long lines.

  4. Controls how many lines to read at a time.

  5. Same as 1.

  6. Position indicator, shows the location and volume of the file being shown in the viewer. Works similarly to a scroll bar, but you can not drag the thumb.

  7. Rewinds to show the first chunk of the file.

  8. Shows the previous chunk.

  9. Clicking here is the same as clicking 8.

  10. Thumb indicator, Its width indicates the percentage of the file (in characters, not lines) represented by the current view.

  11. Clicking here shows the next chunk.

  12. Next chunk button.

  13. Shows the last n lines of the file, counting from the end. Clicking this repeatedly lets you watch what is currently happening.

  14. Search field. Lets you specify a simple text string to look for.

  15. Checkbox to govern whether case affects search results.

  16. Button to jump to the first line that matches the search. A few lines of context are shown before the search match.

  17. Button to jump to the previous search result.

  18. Button to jump to the next search result.

  19. Button to jump to the last search result in the file. Starts at the end of the file and searches backward.

  20. Button to close the viewer window.

Using these controls, you can diagnose problems by looking at current logfile output.

One good thing to look for is Exceptions:

When you click "Find Last", you will jump to the last matching line.

In this case, we see that the problem was that the connection timed out.




java.net.ConnectException: Connection timed out

Error in Active Directory Domain controller IP address or LDAP URL

Correct the IP address or LDAP URL on the configure user directory page.

DNS lookup of hostname corresponding to the search base can't be resolved on computer Traction is running on.

See the instructions related to Configuring Active Directory.

Directory server not running or can't be reached

Make sure that another program that requires the directory server is able to contact it. Check network connections and firewall settings.

LDAP connection timed out

LDAP Server not running or can't be reached


The Active Directory search base may have an error.

This exception will include the name of the hostname it is trying to resolve. E.g. in the case of the exception:

java.net.UnknownHostException: vm.ajm.tractionsoftware.comm

We can see that there is an extra "m" in .com.

Correct the LDAP search base.

java.net.ConnectException: Connection refused: connect

You may have specified the wrong port for the LDAP or Active Directory server

Cross-check the port you have specified versus the one your server runs on and correct any discrepancies.

javax.naming.CommunicationException: Request: 1 cancelled

You may have specified the port of a different type of server, e.g. a web server or mail server.

Make sure that the port specified is the port where your directory server accepts connections.

javax.naming.NamingException: [LDAP: error code 1 - 00000000: LdapErr: DSID-0C0905FF, comment: In order to perform this operation a successful bind must be completed on the connection., data 0, vece]; remaining name ''

Login fails

Lookups return no matches

Authentication is required, but you have set Authentication Type to None

Set authentication to "simple", and fill in the username and password fields with an account with access to the directory server.

javax.naming.AuthenticationException: [LDAP: error code 32 - NDS error: no such entry (-601)]

Your simple authentication credentials are incorrect

Make sure that you have specified valid username and password. You may wish to check them with another program, like JXplorer.

javax.naming.InvalidNameException: [LDAP: error code 34 - Invalid DN Syntax]

You may have typed an account name, such as "Admin" instead of a DN like "cn=Admin,o=Traction" into the Account field under Simple Authentication

Make sure you specify a DN.

javax.naming.AuthenticationException: [LDAP: error code 49 - NDS error: failed authentication (-669)]

You likely entered your password incorrectly in the

Make sure you have the correct password, and verify that no sticky modifier keys (e.g. caps lock, num lock) are affecting what you're typing. Try typing the password in another window to make sure it looks correct.

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Article: Doc305 (permalink)
Date: March 22, 2008; 4:24:10 PM Eastern Daylight Time

Author Name: Documentation Importer
Author ID: importer