Title: Changelog for TeamPage 4.2.59

This release includes the following changes. You can always download the latest TeamPage release from /share/customer/dist/latest.

• Fixed issue connecting to mail servers on non-standard ports. This prevents timeouts when contacting e.g. IMAP on 7143 instead of 143.

• Diff views now properly treat encoded entities by respecting them as word boundaries. This improves diff results in non-latin languages.

• Corrected digest throttling implementation to delay between each individual digest rather than between each scheduled wave of digests. (cde51a7e864d)

• Added support for TIP 3 moderation features. (cf356b15fff9)

• Fixed problems with calendar highlighting and project activity counts that could lead to errors on the page. (8be7020b7afd)

• Fixed a problem where links created with the link dialog would not display properly when the link dialog was reopened. (Server50146)

• Upgraded TinyMCE to Version 3.351. This addresses a problem where pasting into WebKit browsers like Safari and Chrome would result in the content being pasted in reverse order.

Related Articles
Article: Customer2683 (permalink)
Categories: :Doc:changelog
Date: May 20, 2010; 11:05:04 PM Eastern Daylight Time

Author Name: Christopher Nuzum
Author ID: cjn