Title: Traction Instant Publisher Version 3

We are pleased to announce that the Traction Instant Publisher Version 3 today officially replaces Version 2. If you have TIP v2 installed, you will need to uninstall it before installing v3. Please use the Windows Control Panel Add or Remove Programs to properly remove the old Traction Instant Publisher program and its Windows registration settings.

To install the TIP v3, you can use the install link for TIP v2 in your TeamPage server (the text of the link is corrected in 4.2.59) or you can click here to download the TIP v3.

New in v3:

• Table editor

• Moderation support—Choose whether new posts or edits should be published immediately or left as drafts

• Widget support—You can insert and edit most built-in widget types directly from within the TIP

• New toolbar with image insertion and other tools, similar to the web post form

• Smooth installation on Window 7 and Windows Vista

• Updated to the latest version of the .NET framework

• Integrated spell check with check-as-you-type.

Please note that due to a limitation in the current version of TeamPage, if your TeamPage server sits behind a reverse proxy server (like ours now does), you may need to adjust the advanced settings of the TIP in order toeditarticles using the TIP.
Here's how to set up the TIP for editing articles onhttp://teampage.tractionsoftware.com:

1. After configuring your account to edit with the TIP, open the TIP settings window.
2. Edit the account you are using.
3. On the account settings tab, click Advanced.
4. In the advanced section, enter the server name and port reported by your TeamPage server in the error dialog you see when trying to edit, e.g. to work around the following error on our site, use the settings shown above.

Related Articles
Article: Customer2674 (permalink)
Categories: :Doc:FAQ, :Doc:TIP3
Date: May 11, 2010; 10:26:08 AM Eastern Daylight Time

Author Name: Christopher Nuzum
Author ID: cjn