Title: Changelog for TeamPage 4.2.53

This release includes the following changes, as well as the changes described in Customer2516: Changelog for TeamPage 4.1.91. You can always download the latest Traction TeamPage release from /share/customer/dist/latest.

Bug Fixes

• Fixed handling of attachments that have file names containing two or more consecutive spaces. Previously, such files would be stored in the correct location in the attachment file store, but would be reported as missing (with a red "i" icon) in the list of attachments listed at the bottom of a single article view. (LiveBlog9468)

• Fixed some issues that prevented label names from being correctly flagged as duplicates or collisions when managing new label names. The rules for label name collisions are now handled correctly and uniformly, regardless of whether the new label names are being created in an existing project or in a new project. (Server49112 / Server49259)

• Fixed a bug in the handling of label name collision detecting in the advanced project creation settings interface. Previously, when using the "Let me edit the settings first" option during creation of a new project, the interface for specifying the label names for the new project did not take quotation marks into account when determining whether the label name being added was already in the list of label names to be created. (e.g., "foo bar" vs. foo bar). (Server49259)

• Fixed a regression in 4.2 that could cause an error page (NullPointerException) to be displayed instead of a login form when when using Active Directory with Cookies (not NTLM) to manage TeamPage user security principals and authentication. (Server49379)

• Fixed a regression in 4.2 that prevented private drafts of email replies from being loaded. (Server49392)

• Fixed a regression that could cause mostly harmless but annoying errors to be reported on the console (or in traction.out.txt) during a TeamPage journal index rebuild. (LiveBlog9921)

• Added more graceful handling of invalid "rename" operations for page names. In very rare cases, invalid operations could be stored in the journal, and would sometimes prevent an index rebuild from completing. (cvs40494)

• Fixed a bug with the new "pillbox" email address control. Previously, in the Email Articles or Email Reply forms, if the user typed an address, but circumvented the control's interface for accepting either a search match or the literal value typed so far, the address would remain as plain text in the field, and the email would not be sent. Normal acceptance of search matches or for what has been typed will still create the "pillbox" and create a valid recipient address, but a "pillbox" is now also created if the user otherwise manually unfocuses the recipient address input field without accepting any match. TeamPage customers who disabled the "Email Address Pillbox Controls" plug-in due to this issue should now consider re-enabling it. (cvs40516)

• Changed the way that the TeamPage system attempts to free memory resources. This fixes a problem that could cause the server to become unresponsive during erasure operations. (Help6870 / Support2590)

• Fixed the URL for the "Add" link for "Recent Articles" sections configured to take results from the "Current Project" rather than an explicitly selected project so that the initially selected project in the "Add New Article" form is the current project. (Server49466.01)

• Fixed a bug in project creation that prevented selected ACLs and group data from being used for the new project. Users would most likely encounter this issue when using the "Copied from a project" and "Use groups and ACLs (instead of defaults)" options when creating a new project. (Server49466.03)

• Fixed a bug that caused certain journal properties (e.g., the "Journal Description" setting on the Server Setup | General page's Current Journal tab) to be cached for the life of the server (or until caches were cleared) even if they were changed using the administrative interfaces. (Server49031)

• Fixed a JavaScript error that could occur using the Mexico skin in IE8 in the Document Management interfaces when expanding the details for a file. When this error occurred, some interactions in the file details panel would not work correctly. (Server49507)

• Fixed several problems with the handling of large file uploads being stored in the WebDAV attachment or shared file store. Previously, uploading a sufficiently large file could cause the server to run out of memory. (cvs40642 / cvs40648 / cvs40649 / cvs40650)

• Fixed some issues that prevented temp files from being correctly cleaned up after they were copied to their final location in the WebDAV attachment or shared file store. (cvs40653 / cvs40658 / cvs40664 / cvs40665)

• Added a requirement for users connecting directly to the WebDAV servlet using MacOS's webdavfs to always authenticate. This fixes an issue that prevented users of TeamPage with webdavfs to be able to authenticate with their usual credentials to gain access to resources with their full set of permissions. (cvs40656)

• Fixed a regression from a recent 4.2 maintenance release that prevented the pages displayed to confirm a TeamPage server restart or shut down from correctly "pinging" or "pollling" the server due to a JavaScript error in the page. (Server49742)

New Features and Enhancements

• Migrated storage of feed reader data (RSS and Atom feeds that are read by a TeamPage server using the optional feed reader component) from files to a database. This should improve performance for customers using feed reader component. (DB490)

• Restored the default value for the "Project Navigation Link Display Type" skin setting to "List - All Views" instead of the recently modified default of "Auto-complete Search - All Views". The new option can be confusing for users who are used to the flat list in which all project display names appear directly in the page, but the new option for the auto-completer field can still be manually set for an individual user or the server default user preference using the Customize button next to the skin selector to access the skin settings on either the Personal Setup | Preferences page or the Server Setup | Defaults page. (Help6835)

• Changed the minimum permission level for retrieving project results for the Auto-complete search input from Access to Read Own. Denying or not granting Access permission in a given project to a user is still the supported method of preventing that user from knowing that space exists. (cvs40595)

• Changed the YouTube widget so that it accepts standard YouTube URL formats as well as just the "key" part of the URL. This is much more convenient for users. (Server33936.06) Also increased the dimensions of the embedded object to 640x385.

• Changed temp file directory used by Java to be the same one used by TeamPage for the current journal. This may be a helpful change for some TeamPage deployments in which the TeamPage installation is located on a different disk volume from the journal. (cvs40657)

• Added a tabbed interface to the metrics report page layout to improve usability and performance (so that not all metrics queries are run if an administrator doesn't need them). Reports are separated into Overview, Read Activity, Contributor Activity, Project Activity, Search Activity, Tag Activity, and Other Activity. All reports are still accessible in one page using the "All" tab. (Server47755)

• Several new features have been added to the Proteus skin preview, including the ability to create a custom stylesheet for the skin right in the main interface, with each change reflected in the page as it is applied.

Related Articles
Article: Customer2519 (permalink)
Categories: :Doc:changelog
Date: March 23, 2010; 2:02:38 PM Eastern Daylight Time

Author Name: Dave Shepperton
Author ID: shep