Title: Changelog for TeamPage 4.1.91

This release includes the following changes since 4.1.90. You can always download the latest TeamPage 4.1 installer from download41.tracti…

• Fixed an i18n issue in which the "Customize Skin" dialog could not be accessed for projects whose names contain non-ASCII characters. (AKJ9834)

• Removed the hard-coded English values for some settings, including the hard-coded English versions of the Login Message and Login Rejection Message setting values, from the initial server configuration file that is used in fresh TeamPage installations. Also fixed some minor issues that could cause the values of these settings to be improperly stored in the server configuration file even if the option was selected to use the default value. (AKJ9900)

• Re-instated usage of the value of the Text Alternative setting from the Project Setup | Display page as the alt attribute value for the logo / banner image displayed at the top of most pages. (AKJ9871)

• Fixed an issue that caused embedded images not to be displayed in certain contexts when they are included by via URLs that use server-relative paths, such as project shared folders (e.g., /db/share/projectname/foo.gif) or other folders (e.g., /pub). These images would appear broken when, for example, viewing an article using its permalink URL (e.g., teampage.example….). (AKJ9955)

• Updated the ja l10n for TeamPage 4.1. (AKJ9898, AKJ9968)

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Article: Customer2516 (permalink)
Categories: :Doc:changelog
Date: March 22, 2010; 10:03:08 PM Eastern Daylight Time

Author Name: Dave Shepperton
Author ID: shep