Title: Changelog for TeamPage 4.1.80

This release includes the following changes. You can always download the latest TeamPage release from /share/customer/dist/latest.

Enhancement and Bug Fixes

Build 80

• Fixed a problem where the "Add to this Topic" in topic views failed to apply the appropriate label. (Server46219)

Build 79

• Fixed an issue where userids greater than 32,767 were treated as Visitor for some operations. Traction 4.1 now correctly recognizes up to 65,536 users. Version Traction 4.2 can recognize over a billion.

• For wiki naming, prevent a rare error when removing names that don't exist. (1643ed70503f)

• Prevent missing attachments from causing the left and right sidebars to appear. (10241db58196)

• Removed unsupported "use default" option in project creation from server setup when going to more options, edit settings. (Server45639)

• Addressed SDKForum95.

• Improved detection of conflicting project names in mergeproj. (9aeb530092a6)

i18n / l10n

• Improved internationalization of the Setup Assistant. (AKJ8898, AKJ8915)

• Updated the Japanese localization. (AKJ8888, AKJ8932)

• Fixed incorrect resource that caused an i18n error to appear. (AKJ8915)

• Internationalized project auto-completion header text. (AKJ8939)

• Other i18n and l10 improvements. (AKJ9055.03, AKJ8287, AKJ9100)

Metrics Plug-in

• Updated Metrics to version 2. (See Customer2075)

Related Articles
Article: Customer2110 (permalink)
Categories: :Doc:changelog
Date: August 26, 2009; 10:57:10 AM Eastern Daylight Time

Author Name: Christopher Nuzum
Author ID: cjn