Title: Email Digest

The Email Digest is the most commonly-used type of notification

Traction TeamPage supports Email Notifications, Jabber Notifications and RSS and Atom feeds, but the most popular notification type is the Email Digest. Traction can generate an email summary digest automatically, for each user. The digest includes content from each space depending on each user's individual permissions and preferences.

The digest summarizes new content since the last time it was sent to any given user. The content in the digest is based on the spaces that can be seen by the user, the spaces selected to be in the digest (My Digest Spaces), and the sections which determine what content to include, and how.

Block / Block 2 Digest Format - Grouped by Activity

The default format is the Block 2 digest skin with content grouped by Activity. The Block 2 skin format is nearly identical to the Block digest skin, but shifts the contents of the right column to the bottom of the digest. Block 2 is a better choice when users may have small format devices like iPhones. This format looks to the Digest Sections to determine what content to include - but then organizes the content entirely by project.

Because it organizes comments by Thread, the grouping by Activity format is especially good for scenarios where there is a reasonable to high amount of discussion. Note that comments in Space B threaded against an article in Space A will show up threaded against the article title in Space A.

You can see in the screenshot of the Activity styled Block digest below that a series of comments in the current digest period (April 1, 2008 to June 30, 200) are threaded against an article published in February 2007.

Block /Block 2 Digest Format - NOT Grouped by Activity

If the default is changed to group by section instead of by Activity, the digest lists out any sections that are specified and iterates over spaces. It includes title and first paragraph of all new articles and comments. It generally organizes the information by project and raises important information (e.g. headlines) to the top:

Configuring the Digest

The administrator can configure the look and feel of the digest (including the Group By option) with the Digest - Customize Settings controls. The admin can manage the content and organization of the digest with Digest Sections and by selecting which projects are included in the digest. The administrator can also indicate what days and times it should be sent.

Users can over-ride administrator settings to change the Spaces list for their digest, adjust the sections and change how often it is sent.

The digest keeps everyone informed, provides an easy way to get up to date without leaving the email client, and generates "demand pull" to your TeamPage server.

Related Articles
Article: Doc899 (permalink)
Date: February 22, 2009; 3:51:38 PM Eastern Standard Time

Author Name: Paul Needham
Author ID: pan