solr, and is currently running with ZooKeeper listening on port 9983, you can use the ZK CLI tool to remove a collection by its ID. First, you can use the "list" command to see all the data that are being tracked:
/solr → ./server/scripts/cloud-scripts/ -zkhost localhost:9983 -cmd list
/ (9)
/configs (1)
/configs/traction (9)
/configs/traction/currency.xml (0)
DATA: ...supressed...
/configs/traction/protwords.txt (0)
DATA: ...supressed...
/configs/traction/solrconfig.xml (0)
DATA: ...supressed...
/configs/traction/synonyms.txt (0)
DATA: ...supressed...
/configs/traction/stopwords.txt (0)
DATA: ...supressed...
/configs/traction/schema.xml (0)
DATA: ...supressed...
/configs/traction/_rest_managed.json (0)
/configs/traction/lang (4)
/configs/traction/lang/stoptags_ja.txt (0)
DATA: ...supressed...
/configs/traction/lang/stopwords_en.txt (0)
DATA: ...supressed...
/configs/traction/lang/stopwords_ja.txt (0)
DATA: ...supressed...
/configs/traction/lang/userdict_ja.txt (0)
DATA: ...supressed...
/configs/traction/mapping-FullNumber.txt (0)
DATA: ...supressed...
/zookeeper (1)
/overseer (6)
/overseer/collection-queue-work (0)
/overseer/queue-work (0)
/overseer/collection-map-failure (0)
/overseer/collection-map-completed (0)
/overseer/queue (0)
/overseer/collection-map-running (0)
/aliases.json (0)
/live_nodes (1)
/live_nodes/ (0)
/collections (1)
/collections/1462825620166 (3)
/collections/1462825620166/leaders (1)
/collections/1462825620166/leaders/shard1 (1)
/collections/1462825620166/leaders/shard1/leader (0)
/collections/1462825620166/state.json (0)
/collections/1462825620166/leader_elect (1)
/collections/1462825620166/leader_elect/shard1 (1)
/collections/1462825620166/leader_elect/shard1/election (1)
/collections/1462825620166/leader_elect/shard1/election/101749641657450496-core_node1-n_0000000001 (0)
/overseer_elect (2)
/overseer_elect/leader (0)
/overseer_elect/election (1)
/overseer_elect/election/101749641657450496- (0)
/security.json (0)
/clusterstate.json (0)
For a collection ID like "1462825620166", you can issue the "clear" command pointing to that collection as "/collections/1462825620166":
/solr → ./server/scripts/cloud-scripts/ -zkhost localhost:9983 -cmd clear /collections/1462825620166
You will also still have to delete the collection folder -- which will be in the SOLR_HOME directory in a folder named something like, e.g., "1462825620166_shard1_replica" -- as in Option 4 below.
Option 4: Shut down Solr and manually delete the collections and ZooKeeper data.
This may be the easiest way to delete many collections at the same time. If you delete the ZooKeeper database, as well, then Solr will re-initialize it when you start it up again.
With the Solr service shut down, find the SOLR_HOME directory that contains all the "[collection ID]_shard[n]_replica" folders and the "zoo_data" folder. Delete all of those, leaving the solr.xml and zoo.cfg files in place.
For example, if SOLR_HOME is set to /solr/traction:
/solr/traction → rm -rf 1462825620166_shard1_replica1 zoo_data
Then you can start your Solr service again.
Notes for Options 2-4
If you do not delete the collections from Solr through TeamPage's Solr Index Administration dialog, TeamPage will not know that the collection doesn't exist, and will not know that it needs to recreate it. At the time of writing, the only way to address this is to shut down the TeamPage servers in question, find the file for the journal being used with each server, and remove the solr_collection_[collection ID]_exists=true
property in each case.
For example, for collection ID "1462825620166", with the hosting TeamPage server shut down, after finding the right journal folder, we can find and remove the property solr_collection_1462825620166_exists=true
from that journal's file. Then you can start your TeamPage servers again and move to the next step.
Deleting the existing "traction" configuration set
After deleting the collections that refer to the "traction" configuration set, you can delete the configuration set itself. (If you used Option 4 above, you have already deleted the ZooKeeper data and you don't need to do anything for this step.)
If you used other options, you should delete the existing "traction" configuration set using the ZK CLI with a command like this:
/solr/traction → ./server/scripts/cloud-scripts/ -zkhost localhost:9983 -cmd clear /configs/traction
Now your Solr server will be ready to accept a new configuration set called "traction".
Installing the new "traction" configuration set
Currently, in order to make your configuration set used by TeamPage, you must install it as "traction".
You can install it using the ZK CLI via the "upconfig" command. Assuming all the files for your configuration set are contained in "conf" folder at the path /home/user/solr/configsets/my_custom_config/conf, the command will look something like this:
/solr → ./server/scripts/cloud-scripts/ -zkhost localhost:9983 -cmd upconfig -confname traction -confdir /home/user/solr/configsets/my_custom_config/conf
This command, like all the ZK CLI commands, does not exit with any status, but if you don't see any error messages, you should confirm that the new configuration set has been installed using the "list" command again, like this:
/solr → ./server/scripts/cloud-scripts/ -zkhost localhost:9983 -cmd list
You should see the new configuration set data near the top of the output:
/ (9)
/configs (1)
/configs/traction (8)
/configs/traction/currency.xml (0)
DATA: ...supressed...
/configs/traction/protwords.txt (0)
DATA: ...supressed...
/configs/traction/solrconfig.xml (0)
DATA: ...supressed...
/configs/traction/synonyms.txt (0)
DATA: ...supressed...
/configs/traction/stopwords.txt (0)
DATA: ...supressed...
/configs/traction/schema.xml (0)
DATA: ...supressed...
/configs/traction/_rest_managed.json (0)
/configs/traction/lang (1)
/configs/traction/lang/stopwords_en.txt (0)
DATA: ...supressed...
/zookeeper (1)
/overseer (6)
/overseer/collection-queue-work (0)
/overseer/queue-work (0)
/overseer/collection-map-failure (0)
/overseer/collection-map-completed (0)
/overseer/queue (0)
/overseer/collection-map-running (0)
/aliases.json (0)
/live_nodes (1)
/live_nodes/ (0)
/collections (0)
/overseer_elect (2)
/overseer_elect/leader (0)
/overseer_elect/election (1)
/overseer_elect/election/101749641657450496- (0)
/security.json (0)
/clusterstate.json (0)
Creating new collections using the new configuration set
If you shut down your TeamPage servers to use any option other than 1 above for deleting collections, and you've already edited the files for the affected journals to tell TeamPage that the collections no longer exist in Solr, you're ready to start the servers again now.
Back in your Solr Setup dialog, you can switch the "Indexing Mode" setting back to "On - Track Changes and Update Index". When you click the "Apply" button, since TeamPage should now know that the collection no longer exists, it will create a new collection based upon your newly installed "traction" configuration set. You should see a confirmation message that the Solr setup has been completed, and if you click on the "Index Administration" tab, you should see that dialog load without any errors, and with a "Searchable" count of 0.
Re-feeding your corpus to Solr for indexing
When you're ready, click the "Start" button under "Feed All Documents", just like you've finished configuring your TeamPage server's connection to Solr for the first time. This will set the status for all documents in all active spaces to "Needs Indexing", and the external search indexer daemon will gradually feed them in batches to your Solr service. Depending upon the size of your corpus, this process may take just a few minutes or many hours. There will be some additional load on both the TeamPage and Solr services during this time, but if they are configured with enough heap memory and have sufficient processing power, this should not be disruptive for your users.
As long as the "Solr Enabled" setting is set to "yes" in the Solr Setup dialog, and Solr is designated as the preferred search engine (server settings > General > Search Settings), users will be able to immediately start getting search results from whatever documents have already been indexed in Solr. Since journal entries and attachments are set to "Needs Indexing" in reverse chronological order by original entry creation date, the most recently created entries will generally be available earliest, which can be convenient. Note that space share folders have their files' statuses set to "Needs Indexing" after all journal entries and attachments, so those files will likely be added to the index later.
In any case, if you set "Solr Enabled" to "no" in the Solr Setup dialog earlier, don't forget to change it back to "yes" now, or whenever you're ready for users to have access to Solr search features again.
Article: solrsearch55 (
Categories: :solrsearch:FAQ
Date: March 14, 2019; 12:03:47 PM Eastern Daylight Time
Author Name: Dave Shepperton
Author ID: shep