Title: Mysterious Glitches - Hypertext Editing System (HES)
If the user experiences difficulties such as causing the bombout
message to appear on the screen ("THIS PROGRAM WORKS, BUT SOME
PEOPLE DON'T KNOW HOW TO USE IT..."), or getting locked out
while both the alphanumeric keyboard and the /360 are ok,
he should have the system reloaded and try again (in the case of
the bombout message, pressing CANCEL or RETURN may suffice).
Occasionally we have found that when totally inexplicable things
are happening, re-IPLING magically cures them. Particularly in a
multi-programmed environment such strange thing do occasionally
happen, and are seldom repeatable - grin and bear it, remembering
that genuine bugs are usually repeatable. If the situation can
be made to repeat itself, describe it, and send us a dump.
<i>A Manual for the Edit Phase of the Hypertext Editing System for the IBM System/360 Model 50</i>
<br>Andries van Dam
<br>Center for Computer & Information Sciences
<br>Brown University, Providence, Rhode Island
<br>File Number HES360-0
<br>Form AVD-6901-0
<br>21 January 1969
<br>Page 9
<br>See grl archive