Title: When upgrading from 4.x to 5.x, how do I configure the Mexico skin to be the default skin?

Version 5.0 introduces the new Proteus skin as the default skin. If you wish to continue using Mexico as your default skin, you must change the default skin in two places in order to make sure that your TeamPage system continues functioning properly.

First, you must change the user default to Mexico:

Second, you must also change the space (project) default.

Completing these two steps will cause Mexico to be the default skin for your server.

Please note that Proteus cannot be selected as a per-Space (project) skin unless it is also the default user skin.

Traction Server Setup | Defaults.png
Traction Server Setup | Defaults-1.png
Article: Support2664 (permalink)
Categories: :Doc:FAQ
Date: August 11, 2010; 9:52:42 AM Eastern Daylight Time

Author Name: Christopher Nuzum
Author ID: cjn