Title: Traction Patch 37 through 39 Change Logs

These are the the changes made in Traction Patches 37 through 39.

cvs30047, cvs30046 Users can now create entry and digest sections that reference any project to which they have access permission. Previously, project setup permission was required. Fixes AKJ6875.

cvs29997 Fixed the projectpermissions.* and serverpermissions.* SDL tags.

cvs29977, cvs29975, cvs29974, cvs29973, cvs29972 By default, user lookup, e.g. in the ACL and Group editors, now searches only active users. There is a new checkbox on these forms that lets you search inactive users as well.

cvs29966 Added support for a new Traction.properties setting, request_timeout_seconds. Traction views that support this new setting, including those based on normal SDL and SDK iterators, will exit after the specified time period. The default time period is 900 seconds (15 minutes). All timeouts can be disabled by explicitly setting the property to -1.

cvs29869 Plug-in custom digests can now customize the from and reply-to email headers on a per-user basis, along with the corresponding friendly names.

cvs29602, cvs29601 Fixed a problem where the set of project specified for inclusion and exclusion in the digest is reversed when selecting "automatically subscribe to new projects".

Article: Support2059 (permalink)
Categories: :Doc:changelog
Date: March 21, 2008; 4:54:03 PM Eastern Daylight Time

Author Name: Christopher Nuzum
Author ID: cjn