Title: Traction Change Log

This article describes changes made between and

cvs28139 Fixed issue where the name of the person editing another user's plugin setting was displayed at the top of the dialog. Now the name of the user whose settings are being edited is displayed. Note that the functionality was previously correct, but the display was misleading.

cvs28138, cvs28132, cvs28130 Made a many-fold performance improvement in the add user dialog used in the ACL and group editors. Display is now over 10x fast. Also, the user list is not displayed for more than a designated number of users, which can be specified in Traction.properties.

cvs28137 Fixed a Javascript problem introduced in patch 29 which would print a Javascript error on almost every page in Internet Explorer 6.

cvs28136 Fixed the section list setting control used by the email and jabber notifier plug-ins to prevent a fallback behavior of notifying based on built-in default sections when the section setting control was set to "use default". Now, notifications will not be sent unless sections are explicitly defined.

cvs28061, cvs27978 Updated localizations.

Article: Support1952 (permalink)
Categories: :Doc:changelog
Date: October 17, 2007; 6:17:16 PM Eastern Daylight Time

Author Name: Christopher Nuzum
Author ID: cjn