Title: Traction Change Log

This article describes changes made between and

cvs27343: Allow User to Choose Address to Receive Email Notifications. When using the email notifier plugin, users can now select to which of their registered email addresses email notifications should be sent. Ref: Server30518: Add Support to New Email Notifier for Letting Users to Choose an Alternative Email Address to Which Notifications Should Be Sent.

cvs27342: made change suggested by roger during review., cvs27341: try to avoid getting a "BAD TAG 63" when that's present in the The fixdate script now supports configured tokens.

cvs27337: print out principals in use to Debug.auth. The principals in use are now printed to the auth debug stream, in order t assist with identifying duplicates.

cvs27287: remove synchronized because it's unnecessary and resulted in deadlock Improved concurrency and prevented possible deadlock when loading user information.

cvs27277: "XML-encode" the TITLE element in the Atom Feed. The title of Atom feeds is now properly encoded for XML.

cvs27273: i18n for Default ACLs Editor View Title. The default access control list editor's title is now internationalized.

cvs27269: Fix for Some Small i18n / l10n Issues. A variety of minor internationalization changes were made. Ref: AKJ6211: Some japanise issues.

cvs27265: Close LABEL Tag in Second Column of Debug Stream Listing. Fix a styling problem where the names of the debug streams in Server Setup | Server files were not displayed in bold in IE6.

Article: Support1835 (permalink)
Categories: :Doc:changelog
Date: July 6, 2007; 2:40:36 PM Eastern Daylight Time

Author Name: Christopher Nuzum
Author ID: cjn