Title: Traction Change Log

This article describes changes made between and

cvs27109 Traction's rebuild procedure has been modified in several ways. First, a ZIP backup of the previous index files is made before a rebuild is attempted. If the rebuild is successful, the backup is removed.

If the rebuild is unsuccessful, the original files are restored and a message is displayed in the log and in Server Setup.

Also, if Traction is shutdown while writing a journal, a metadata-only rebuild is attempted on the next startup. The results are displayed in Server Setup.

cvs27091 getproj now removes users who have not posted in the extracted journal, unless their username appears on a list of users to preserve. This list might be used, e.g., to keep all system administrator accounts active in new journals.

cvs27089 Front page "details" volume sections displaying articles that have a title but no body previously displayed only the title, omitting the post date and other details. This has been fixed.

cvs27070 Improved support for running Traction behind reverse proxy servers (e.g. Apache) by using to the x-forwarded-host header instead of the hostname header, if the former header is supplied.

cvs27128 Prevent a problem where specifying an invalid or inaccessible project might prevent a login form from displaying.

Article: Support1793 (permalink)
Categories: :Doc:changelog
Date: May 14, 2007; 11:36:37 AM Eastern Daylight Time

Author Name: Christopher Nuzum
Author ID: cjn