Title: Traction Change Log

This article describes changes made between and patch 7.

Changes in version

Tracking Number
Fixed an issue where inactive sections in section widgets would be displayed as if they were active.
Updated metaweblog API implementation to improve compatiblity with Windows LiveWriter and Microsoft Office.
Fixed a problem where images were autoscaled even when the user selected that autoscaling should be disabled.
Fixed a problem where a user could trigger multiple inline comment forms on the same item when double clicking.
For Gecko browsers (Firefox, Mozilla), make sure that spell checking is enabled in Traction rich text forms. This behavior was lost in 3.7.3 with the update to a later version of TinyMCE, which disabled Gecko spell checking by default. cvs26688
Fixed a problem in Japanese where links to attachments sometimes didn't work in Japanese Windows on IE 6.
Fixed "peek-a-boo" CSS issue where the description of the inline comment form could disappear and reappear when resizing the window.
Changed permissions migration so that the new "add attachments" permission is initialized to the value of author permission by default and the export and email out permissions are initialized to the value of login permission. In, these permissions defaulted to being granted.
If an image that exceeds the maximum attachment size is inserted inline using the insert image control, instead of failing silently, the same error that would appear in the attachments dialog is now reported.
Fixed encoding of friendly names in the from field of email replies, and unified encoding handling of all outgoing mail headers. Now non-latin friendly names can be represented in any outgoing mail header. , AKJ5408
Fixed a problem where removing all custom label actions from a user's account would revert the user to the default set of custom label actions rather than an empty list.

Article: Support1731 (permalink)
Categories: :Doc:changelog
Date: March 26, 2007; 8:15:37 PM Eastern Daylight Time

Author Name: Christopher Nuzum
Author ID: cjn