Title: Traction Change Log

This article describes changes made between and

Changes in version

Tracking Number
IE 7 is now a fully-supported browser. Rich text dit forms display and resize properly.



Created new plug-in architecture that makes it easy to create, install, and manage extensions to Traction. cvs25989
Added auto save of drafts in the new article, edit, email reply, and inline comment forms. cvs26041
Added full RSS and Atom support to the Fast Search results page. cvs26275
Users can now switch from composing a comment using the inline comment form to using the pop-up comment form by clicking the open comment window link at the lower-right of the inline comment form. cvs26239
Added new view and section types for updated entries and active discussions. These views can be reached via the navigation bar at the top of the center column in the Mexico and Ocean skins, and can be chosen from the section chooser. cvs25946
Traction input forms now check whether the server is online before posting new articles, edits, and comments. If the server is not online, users are notified to try again shortly. This can prevent loss of posts in cases where the server is temporarily unreachable and the browser's go-back cache does not retain the content typed by the user. cvs26137
Traction no longer challenges visitors with a realms login dialog when they request WebDAV resources that Visitor is allowed to read. Note that if users who have accounts access resources via WebDAV before logging into Traction, they will appear as Visitor in the log file. cvs26091
Made several improvements to Active Directory and WebDAV to prevent account lockouts. cvs26074
Added a new variation of the RSS skin called rssimport. This skin can be used to read content from one Traction server into another via the FeedReader module.

cvs25954, Server28411

Added a new SDK mechanism called entry filters that allows content about to be posted to the journal to be modified by plug-in code before it is posted. cvs25958
When using FAST, the index user can now be changed without requiring Traction to be restarted. cvs25959
Email notifications now show a from address that includes the name of the project that triggered the notification. cvs25960
Added new server-level Access Control List permissions governing emailout and export, allowing administrators to control who has permission to access these functions. cvs25973
Update min/max section controls on change rather than on key up.
Added a new project-level Access Control List permission governing who can add attachments.
Fixed IE layout problem on Server Setup | People which caused the default ACL button and description to render off the page. cvs25979
The thread manager now allows all threads to be captured in a single text block.
Fixed some timing issues that could affect cache coherence under very high loads. cvs25995
Fixed format of mailbox data when exported via the mbox skin to ensure maximal compatibility with mbox importers. Also, improved support for importing content exported via the mbox skin.


Added SDK support for entry classes, in order to allow the edit button on custom post forms to automatically invoke the appropriate edit form. cvs26004
Improved the block digest by adding read online and continue reading digest online links that display the digest either from the beginning or end of an email digest to the present time. By clicking the link at the bottom of each digest, users can review exactly what is new in Traction since their last digest. cvs26056
Added a new user preference to allow users and administrators to control the presence and default values of the controls on the email article form. cvs26063
Fixed problem where Traction would hang during journal creation and instead of posting a welcome article, the first article in the journal would be entitled "X". Note that this fix was also included in the patch. Server28833
Upgraded the TinyMCE rich text editor bundled with Traction to fix backspace/delete key issues in Firefox.
Fixed a problem unique to the StarterJournal where the first user created turned into a system administrator when a new group was created. The StarterJournal had a reference to a certain userid in its server administrators group that was left over from a pre-release version of the journal. This situation can not arise in normal practice. Administrators can remedy this issue in journals derived from the starter journal by creating a new group and then correcting the members of the server administrators group if necessary. cvs26111
Fixed PDF export problems resulting from images with ampersands in their URLs.
Fixed usability issue with the subsection editor where incompletely specified sections would be removed when the more subsections link was clicked. cvs26171
If a user already has a draft underway when starting a comment or edit, a link to the existing draft is provided. cvs26194
The [X] box on the inline comment forms has been replaced with a cancel button that also removes in-progress drafts and uploaded image or widget files. cvs26212
Comments now show the top-of-thread link [ ? ] appended to the title in most contexts. cvs26217
The googlemap widget has been re-bundled as a plugin, which makes it easier to specify the API key. Note that no migration is performed from existing googlemap.properties files, so you will need to copy and paste your key from the old .properties file into the new setup interface in order to continue using the googlemap feature. cvs26295
Added support for running without internal fulltext index tables, for installations running fast search or who wish to turn off internal fulltext indexing in order to conserve memory space. When fulltext indexing is disabled, fulltext search is implemented via content scanning. The amount of content scanned depends upon how recently the content appears in the journal. If enough search hits to fill a page occur recently within the journal, search performance may be comparable to performance with the fulltext index. However, if there are few hits widely spread out over time in a large journal, searches may take substantially more time, memory, and CPU. cvs26337
Overhauled and re-bundled the Jabber notifier as a plug-in. Now users can specify their Jabber addresses, and administrators can configure Jabber notification via a setup interface rather than by editing a property file. Also, the content of notification can now be customized via SDL. cvs26349
Fixed StopTraction script, which was always reporting an error. Note that StopTraction does not work through proxy servers. cvs26364
Fix problem where QuickTime movies started playing immediately on IE7. cvs26497
Fix problem where a project would be shown highlighed on front pages authored with navlinks XML. cvs26491
Eliminated script errors associated with JT2Go widgets when displaying them in browsers that don't support the JT2Go brower plug-in.
The logo image is no longer printed in the block digest when the preference to include images is set to no. This lets the block digest render much faster in Lotus Notes systems behind firewalls. cvs26412
By default, the fulltext index now includes only entry-level information, not item-level information. This results in a marginal performance penalty at search time but can save a large amount of heap space depending on how many items appear in a typical entry and how many times words are repeated in multiple items. Note: in order to reduce the memory required for a fulltext index, you must run a rebuild. The original behavior can be enabled by setting ftflags=0 in the Traction.properties file while Traction is not running. cvs26382
Added an option to control the time period for reverification of X.509 certificates with an LDAP server.
If a metadata update fails in the FAST Search option, re-index the post rather than re-attempting the update. cvs26370

Article: Support1704 (permalink)
Categories: :Doc:changelog
Date: February 19, 2007; 3:38:40 PM Eastern Standard Time

Author Name: Christopher Nuzum
Author ID: cjn