Title: Traction Change Log

This article describes changes made between and

Changes in version

Tracking Number
Replaced CommunicatorJournal_ja with StarterJournal_ja for Japanese installations. cvs26771
Internationalized widget titles and chnaged the description of the export logo upload description.
cvs26768, AKJ5880
Fixed an internal error related to reading image references in certain situations.
Fixed a problem where creating new relationships from the "edit references" dialog launced from the new entry form didn't work with Japanese project names. cvs26766, AKJ4652, AKJ5861
The Personal Setup | Preferences page now points to the Instant Publisher help, which is the first section in the Personal Setup help chapter. It previously linked into Server Setup.
Updated Japanese localization. cvs26762, AKJ5857
Fixed a problem where template settings ending in } were truncated, removing the final }. cvs26761

Article: Server30317 (permalink)
Categories: :Doc:changelog
Date: March 30, 2007; 10:20:31 PM Eastern Daylight Time

Author Name: Christopher Nuzum
Author ID: cjn