Title: Changelog for TeamPage

This release includes the following changes. You can always download the latest TeamPage preview release from download42.tracti…

Bug Fixes

• Fixed a serious bug in which changes to server-level group membership and ACL rules used to manage permissions would be lost on restart. The changes would have taken effect until the server was restarted. This affects server-level groups and ACLs only; changes to project-level group membership and ACL rules are not affected.

• Fixed a bug that prevented new user accounts from being added to the administrator designated group. For new user accounts created by administrators, this refers to the "Add to Group" option on the Server Setup | People page's Add New User tab. For new user accounts created using the self-registration feature, this refers to the "Add New Users to Group" server setting on the Server Setup | People page's Self-Serve Registration Settings tab.

• Modified the email notification reply cleanup script to handle cleanup of additional types of message structure as sent by Microsoft Outlook.

• Removed the "Update your license" feature accessible from the Server Setup | License page. Please see Welcome1 to download your Free5 Traction TeamPage license.

• Fixed a bug relating to journal creation that prevented the full name and email address properties from being stored properly for the first user account in the journal.

• Fixed a bug in the new email address setting on the Personal Setup | Info page which caused changes to the selection of the preferred email address would not work correctly if the selected address had been changed by the user. For example, a change to a single preferred email address would result in the new address being added separately, and the old address remaining in the list of email addresses instead of being replaced.


• For the Oracle RDB version of Traction TeamPage, several query changes and new database indices have been added to improve performance in many areas. This affects label-driven views, collection-driven views and sections.

Article: Preview360 (permalink)
Categories: :Doc:changelog
Date: September 17, 2009; 4:43:32 PM Eastern Daylight Time

Author Name: Dave Shepperton
Author ID: shep