This plug-in provides the "balloon" widget that decorates a sentence like a "cartoon balloon" so that it should be eye-catching.
When you put a summary into your TeamPage entry (article, task, event, etc.
However, this kind of summary list could be "boring" because it is just a text description.
On the other hand, the balloon-decorated description is eye-catching. If you put the conversation above between John, Lisa, and Mark into balloons, the "who says what" will be easy to understand at a glance.
Here are two options. Which do you think is better?
I prefer the A. It's really nice.
Definitely B. This must be what we've been looking for.
or /say
or /speech
in the double brackets with the following options.words=
or say=
or char=
option. Case insensitive. You can also select one of them by faceN
or just N.
(N is the number of the character, currently from 1 to 6.
[[ /balloon name="john" words="Hello. I'm John." ]]
Hello. I'm John.
[[ /balloon name="3" words="Here comes a soul train. Let's dance!" picsize="80" align="right" color="red" ]]
Here comes a soul train. Let's dance!
[[ /balloon char="face5" say="It's hot and humid. Jump, splash, into the water! " color="black" picsize="100" width="700" align="left" ]]
It's hot and humid. Jump, splash, into the water!