Title: Set Special Class(es) to The HTML Body Tag plug-in

This plug-in allows you to add a special class(es) to the page HTML's body tag when a requesting user belongs to a specific group and/or a user makes a request in a specific space.


Click the link below to download the zip file of this plug-in.

Upload the zip file in Server Settings > Plugins page.

After uploading, you will see the following I18N ERROR. Don't worry. This error means "you need to restart TeamPage server to load the I18N resources (language files)."

Click [Restart TeamPage] in Server Settings > General > Manage Server page. If your TeamPage server is hosted in Traction's cloud environment, you will need to restart your server twice to load the I18N resources correctly.

After restarting, you will see that the plugin's name "Set Special Class(es) to The HTML Body Tag" show up correctly.


Click the "Configure" link to open the plug-in configuration view.

Plug-in Settings

Plug-in Settings


Select a group to which a requesting user belongs.

Class(es) for Group

The class(es) you fill-in here will be added to the class= property of the <body> tag of Proteus skin pages when a requesting user belongs to the group you select above.

Insert Space ID Class

If yes, the ID of the current space will be inserted into the class= property of the <body> tag of Proteus skin pages, e.g., "project-id-5", if the ID of the space is "5".


Here is an example. The classes in the <body> tag describes "This user is in the Tokyo space whose ID is 12." and "This user belongs to the group selected on the configuration view."

Article: Forum6976 (permalink)
Categories: :Doc:plug-in
Date: November 14, 2018; 10:30:09 PM Eastern Standard Time

Author Name: Takashi Okutsu
Author ID: takashi