Title: Rental Equipment Management plug-in

This is an application for managing lending and returning of equipment such as demonstration machines and sample items to business partners, shops, etc.

You can register the name, manufacturer name, serial number etc. for each equipment, assign person who are supposed to handle the deals, schedule end dates in the "rental ticket" form.


Click the link below to download com.traction.rentalequipment-NN.zip file. (NN means the version number.)


Upload the zip file in Server Settings > Plugins page.

After uploading, you will see the following I18N ERROR. Don't worry. This error means "you need to restart TeamPage server to load the I18N resources (language files)."

Click [Restart TeamPage] in Server Settings > General > Manage Server page. If your TeamPage server is hosted in Traction's cloud environment, you will need to restart your server twice to load the I18N resources correctly.

After restarting, you will see that the plugin's name show up correctly.

All set!

Display Tab

Select [Rental] and move it to the right area in Space Settings > Settings > Display > Proteus Space Tabs or Server Settings > Defaults > Journal > Proteus Server Tabs, and the "Rental" tab will show up.

In the "Rental" tab, there are 3 sub-tabs by default.

Table of Equipment sub-tab

This tab shows the section table for the equipment entries. You can select the columns to be displayed in the plugin's configuration.

Table of Tickets sub-tab

This tab shows the section table for the equipment tickets. You can select the columns to be displayed in the plugin's configuration as well.

Calendar sub-tab

This calendar displays rental tickets based on their due dates.

Basic Usage

Post An Equipment Entry

Click "New Rental Equipment" in the sidebar or "Add" in the section table title.

Fill-in the form and submit it.

Note: The options in the "Category" selector can be configured in the plugin's configuration. The selected option will be added to the rental equipment entry as a tag.

You will see the rental equipment entry in the single view.

Post A Equipment Ticket

Click "Add Ticket" button to add a "ticket" for this equipment.

Fill-in the form and submit it.

Note: The options in the "Category" selector can be configured in the plugin's configuration. The selected option will be added to the rental equipment ticket as a tag.

Now you will see that the open ticket is added to the equipment and the status of the equipment is "On Loan".

The "Add Ticket" button is grayed-out because there is the open ticket. Admins can change this limitation in the plugin's configuration to allow people to add open tickets even if there is an open ticket (and the status of the equipment is "On Loan".)

Article: Forum6910 (permalink)
Categories: :Doc:plug-in
Date: December 10, 2017; 10:29:53 PM Eastern Standard Time

Author Name: Takashi Okutsu
Author ID: takashi