Title: Hide Add and Edit Menu in Side Column plug-in

TeamPage provides several ways of adding and editing for you. You can select the best and easiest one. However, some people don't want to have such multiple ways since they get confused, like "there is Add button in the side column and the section title. What is the difference?"

This plug-in hides the Add and Edit buttons from the side column to prevent such confusion.


Click the link below to download com.traction.hideaddeditmenu-NN.zip file. (NN means the version number.)


Upload the zip file in Server Settings > Plugins page.

After uploading, you will see the I18N error. But don't worry. This error means "you need to restart TeamPage server to load the I18N resources (language files)."

I18N Error

Click [Restart TeamPage] in Server Settings > General > Manage Server page. If your TeamPage server is hosted in Traction's cloud environment, you will need to restart your server twice to load the I18N resources correctly.

After restarting, you will see that the plugin's name show up correctly.

Install Completed

Note: The Force Spaces List plug-in should be located under this plugin. Otherwise, the Spaces list would be hidden if the New drop-button is hidden.


To hide the [Add] drop button and/or the [Edit] button from the side column, click [Configure] link.

In the configuration page, select "yes" to hide the button(s).

Select Yes(es)


Even though the button(s) in the side columns is hidden, you can still post a new entry and edit an existing entry.

How can I post a new entry?

Click [Add] button in a section title.

Click an icon displayed in a calendar cell to post a new event (schedule) and task.

Fill-in the title of a new task and press Enter in Tasks > All Tasks page.

How can I edit an existing entry?

Click [EDIT] in the gray hover menu or right-click the target entry and select [Edit EntryName] item in the context menu.

Article: Forum6876 (permalink)
Categories: :Doc:plug-in
Date: September 13, 2017; 2:48:57 AM Eastern Daylight Time

Author Name: Takashi Okutsu
Author ID: takashi