Title: PM Custom Dashboard plug-in

Image of Customization of DashboardThis plug-in lets you customize the locations and the combinations of the sections displayed on the project and the milestone dashboard views.

The settings are available in the All Spaces (default for all spaces) and the Space levels.


Click the link below to download com.traction.pm.customdashboard-NN.zip file. (NN means the version number.)


Upload the zip file in Server Settings > Plugins page.

After uploading, you will see the I18N error. But don't worry. This error means "you need to restart TeamPage server to load the I18N resources (language files)."

Click [Restart TeamPage] in Server Settings > General > Manage Server page. If your TeamPage server is hosted in Traction's cloud environment, you will need to restart your server twice to load the I18N resources correctly.

After restarting, you will see that the plugin's name show up correctly.

Plugin Installed


Click [Configure] to open the plug-in's setting view.

Click to configure

Server Settings vs Space Settings

If you want to configure the settings for all spaces as default, make sure that the title is "Default Space Preferences".

If you want to configure the settings in a specific space, select the space in the top-right drop-down list.

What are the rows?

Here is an example. The project dashboard consists of several "rows". Some of them have the left and right columns.

Project Dashboard Example

Available Keywords

These keywords are available to select the sections displayed in the dashboard.

Enable The Following Settings

Select "yes" to apply the settings.

Row and Column Settings

Fill-in the keyword(s) into the textbox to display the corresponding section in the dashboard.

For example, the following settings in the picture means;



This dashboard has the calendar section in the 1st row with the full-width, the tasks section in the left column in the 2nd row, the activity section in the right column in the 2nd row, and burn-up chart section in the 3rd row with the full-width.


Related Articles
Article: Forum6840 (permalink)
Categories: :Doc:plug-in
Date: June 20, 2017; 10:42:06 AM Eastern Daylight Time

Author Name: Takashi Okutsu
Author ID: takashi