Title: Collapse Proteus Header plug-in

This plugin allows users to collapse / expand the header area of Proteus skin. If you are using a small browser window, you may want to collapse the header area so that the body area should be larger. In such a case, this plug-in could be a solution.

Example Video


Click the link below to download the .zip file of this plugin.

Log in to your TeamPage server and open Server Settings > Plugins. Select the .zip file and upload it.

After upload, you will see the I18N error, but don't worry. This error means just the language files (locale files) have not loaded yet.

Open Server Settings > General > Manage Server page and click "Restart TeamPage" button so that TeamPage server loads the language files.

If your TeamPage is hosted in Traction's cloud environment, you will be need to restart twice.

Then open Server Settings > Plugins page again to find "Collapse Proteus Header" plugin is available.



If the "type" is set to "bar" (default), you will see the bar appears below the Proteus tabs or sub-tabs.


If the "type" is "label", you will see the label appears in the top of the view.

If you want to change the colors of the bar and the label, modify the descriptions in the Additional CSS text box in the following configuration view.


Server admins and each user can enter the plug-in's configuration view by clicking the "configure" link.

Setup the plug-in if you need to do it.

Article: Forum6759 (permalink)
Categories: :Doc:plug-in
Date: November 17, 2016; 12:43:51 AM Eastern Standard Time

Author Name: Takashi Okutsu
Author ID: takashi