Title: Tasks Sub-Tabs plug-in

This plugin allows you to select which sub-tabs (All Tasks, Projects, Milestones) should be displayed in Tasks tab and the order of the sub-tabs, in the server (All Spaces) level and each space level.


Click the zip file from the following link.

Log in to your TeamPage server as an administrator, open Server Settings > Plugins page, and install the plugin, and you will see the plugin shows up in the installed-plugins list.


Click "Configure" link to open the configurations view.

In the view, you can select which sub-tabs should be displayed in the Tasks tab and the orders.

For example, the following configuration makes the "All Spaces" sub-tab as default in the Tasks tab and hide the "Milestones" sub-tab.

Here is the result.

Note that this plug-in doesn't support to modify the sub-tabs in the Tasks tab in User Profile page.


I recently released "Daily Reports with CRM solution powered by TeamPage" at dailyreports.biz/. This solution uses the special project entry named "Opportunity" and the Opportunity entries show up in both of the "Opportunities" sub-tab in the "CRM" tab and "Projects" sub-tab in the "Tasks" tab.

Since it could be confusing, e.g. people may think "Hey, I posted an opportunity. Why does it show up as a "project" in Tasks tab?", I wanted to hide the "Projects" sub-tab from the "Tasks" tab.

Article: Forum6673 (permalink)
Categories: :Doc:plug-in
Date: July 20, 2016; 4:21:47 PM Eastern Daylight Time

Author Name: Takashi Okutsu
Author ID: takashi