Title: Proteus Lightbox Widget plug-in

This is an improved version of Forum6466: Proteus URL Dialog Widget plug-in. Now this plugin lets you show not only web pages but pictures or PDF on the web, or attached to a TeamPage entry, in the Proteus' dialog, like Lightbox.

Related: SDK362 (Thank you, Andy Keller !)


Click the link below to download the plugin's zip file.

Proteus Lightbox Widget plug-in /db/attachments/forum/6534/share/
 21.9 KBcom.traction.proteus.lightbox-1.0.1.zipDec 14, 20151:11:28 AM EST

Log in to your TeamPage and open Server Settings > Plugins page to upload the zip file.

After you complete uploading, you will see "I18N ERROR".

This error means "At this moment, the internationalization resources (language files) are not loaded yet." Don't worry. It is harmless. Just restart your TeamPage server in Server Settings > General > Manage Server page to solve this error. If your TeamPage server is hosted in Traction Software's cloud environment, you need restart your TeamPage server twice.

After restarting (twice), you will see the plugin is displayed without error.

How to use

Click the Insert/Edit Widget button in the rich-text editor's tool bar. You will find the item by the name of "Proteus Lightbox Dialog".

1. Page, image, or document on the Web

Fill in the fields on the configuration dialog including URL and press [OK] button.

You will see the widget is inserted in the richtext editor.

2. Files attached to TeamPgae entry

Find the ID(s) of the attached file(s).

Specify the attached file by the ID. The format must be "@N". (N is the ID number.)

3. Submit entry

You can insert multiple widget in one entry.

When ready, press [Save] button to submit.

You will see the widgets are rendered as the links.

4. Examples of the Lightbox dialogs

Webpage (click the 1st link in the picture above)

Note: Modern browsers such as Chrome and Firefox don't show an HTTP webpage in HTTPS-hosted TeamPage.

Attached picture (click the 2st link in the picture above)

Attached PDF document (click the 3rd link in the picture above)


Link Decoration by Class and CSS

You can set the class in the Link Class option. This can be used to decorated the link. For example, if you fill in "button", the link will be decorated like a button.

Unique IDs for Multiple Widgets in The Same Paragraph

When you embed multiple widgets in the same paragraph in the same article, you have to set a unique ID for each widget, so that TeamPage can identify each link and dialog.

For example, if you want to create two links by inserting two widgets,

Set a unique ID for each.

Shared Files for Forum6534
Related Articles
Article: Forum6534 (permalink)
Categories: :Doc:plug-in
Date: December 11, 2015; 3:09:44 AM Eastern Standard Time

Author Name: Takashi Okutsu
Author ID: takashi