Upload the zip file in Server Settings > Plugins page.
After uploading, you will see the I18N error as following. But don't worry. This error means "you need to restart TeamPage server to load the I18N resources (language files)."
Click [Restart TeamPage] in Server Settings > General > Manage Server page. If your TeamPage server is hosted in Traction's cloud environment, you will need to restart your server twice to load the I18N resources correctly.
After restarting, you will see that the plugin's name show up correctly.
How to add a new customer information entry
Click "New Customer Info" in the add-menu in the sidebar.
You will see the form as following. Fill in the fields and click [Save Customer Info] to submit it.
You will see the Customer Information entry like this. The detailed information such as phone numbers are rendered in the upper table.
How to add a new customer-related project
When you click [Add Project] button in the "Related Projects" section, you will see the project form like this.
Otherwise, you can launch a new project form by clicking [New Customer Project] in the add-menu.
In this case, the Customer field on the form will be blank. Type in some letters in the filed to specify a customer(s).
After submitting the form, you will see that the goal shows up in the "Related Projects" section.
The customer-related project is a kind of project. It works as a project entry so you can find it in Tasks > Projects tab, for example. You can add tasks, status updates, schedules, and others to this project.
Spreadsheet view
Click the button displayed under the entry title.
Note: Server admins can select Yes or No to display this button in the plugin's configurations view.
You will see the view like this. You can download the data as a CSV file.
Use the sections to create the list of customer information and projects.
Section Table
Use the section table feature to create the spreadsheet list.
JSON for customer information
{ title: "Sir Name", property: "cpm_sirname", format: "property" },
{ title: "Given Name", property: "cpm_givenname", format: "property" },
{ title: "Phone (1)", property: "cpm_phone1", format: "property" },
{ title: "Fax (1)", property: "cpm_fax1", format: "property" },
{ title: "ZIP", property: "cpm_postal", format: "property" },
{ title: "Prefecture", property: "cpm_prefecture", format: "property" },
{ title: "City/Ward", property: "cpm_city", format: "property" },
{ title: "Address", property: "cpm_address", format: "property" },
{ title: "Mobile Phone", property: "cpm_mobile_phone", format: "property" },
{ title: "Mobile Email", property: "cpm_mobile_email", format: "property" },
{ title: "Email (1)", property: "cpm_email1", format: "property" },
{ title: "Email (2)", property: "cpm_email2", format: "property" }
JSON for customer projects
{ title: "Due Date", property: "due", format: "date" },
{ title: "Status", labels: ":todo,:done", aliases: "Open,Close" },
{ title: "Color", labels: ":color:Red,:color:Yellow,:color:Green,:color:Blue,:color:Purple,:color:Orange", aliases: "Red,Yellow,Green,Blue,Purple,Orange" },
{ title: "Rank", labels: ":rank:A,:rank:B,:rank:C,:rank:D", aliases: "A,B,C,D" },
{ title: "Budget", property: "cpm_budget", format: "property" },
{ title: "Sales Revenue", property: "cpm_sales_revenue", format: "property" },
{ title: "Gross Profit", property: "cpm_gross_profit", format: "property" },
{ title: "Owners", property: "owners", format: "user" },
{ title: "Members", property: "members", format: "user" }