Title: Annotation plug-in

This plugin let you put annotation links. Especially convenient for wiki articles.


Click the link below to download the zip file of this plugin.

Annotation plug-in /db/attachments/forum/6336/share/
 30.6 KBcom.traction.annotation-1.0.3.zipMar 2, 20169:45:57 PM EST


Log in to your TeamPage and open Server Settings > Plugins page to upload the zip file.

After you complete uploading, you will see "I18N ERROR". This error means "At this moment, the internationalization resources (language files) are not loaded yet." Don't worry. It is harmless. Just restart your TeamPage server in Server Settings > General > Manage Server page to solve this error. If your TeamPage server is hosted in Traction Software's cloud environment, you need restart your TeamPage server twice.

After restarting (twice), you will see the plugin is displayed without error like this.

How to use

For example, I have one article (title: Mt. Fuji) in which I want to insert an annotation. Let's call this article "A".

I post another article (or add a paragraph) which I want to show as an annotation. Let's call this article "B". Remember the TractionID (Entry ID) of this article "B".

I edit the article "A" to insert an annotation link. The TractionID of the article "B" (or specific paragraph) is required.

<!-- Link to article -->
[[ /annotation Sandbox59 ]]
[[ /note Sandbox59 ]]
[[ /ref Sandbox59 ]]

<!-- Link to paragraph -->
[[ /annotation Sandbox59.03 ]]
[[ /note Sandbox59.03 ]]
[[ /ref Sandbox59.03 ]]

When I post the form above, I see that the annotation appears as a link.

When I move the mouse cursor on the link, the content of the article "B" is displayed in the hover balloon.


How to enter configurations view

Server admins can configure the behaviors of this plugin. Click "Configure" link in the Plugins page.


Type of Annotation Link

If you select "Text" here, the link text will be the text you specify below, and if you select "Traction ID" here, the link text will be the target article or paragraph ID.

Default Text of Annotation Link

If you select "Text" above, the text you specify here will be used for the annotation links.

Location of Annotation Balloon

Select the location (direction) where the balloon will be displayed. Here is an example of "Up" location.

Color Theme of Annotation Balloon

Select the color theme of the annotation balloon from "LIght" and "Dark". Here is an example of the "Dark" theme.

Size of Annotation Balloon

Select the size of the annotation balloon from "Small", "Medium", and "Large".

Trigger to Show Annotation Balloon

If you select "Hover" here, the balloon will appear when you move your mouse cursor on the annotation link. If you select "Click" here, you will have to click the annotation link to show the balloon.

Opacity of Annotation Balloon

Specify the opacity of the balloon. The value must be between 0 and 1.

Animation of Annotation Balloon

Select the animation effect to show the balloon.

Shared Files for Forum6336
Article: Forum6336 (permalink)
Categories: :Doc:Forum, :Doc:plug-in
Date: January 1, 2015; 9:41:55 PM Eastern Standard Time

Author Name: Takashi Okutsu
Author ID: takashi