Title: Header Spaces List plug-in

Note: The new plugin "Header Menu Navigation" is out! Please see Forum6731: Header Menu Navigation plug-in.

This plug-in allows you to show the spaces horizontal-list or drop-down-list in the "header" area in Proteus skin.

ref: Forum6302


Horizontal List

Drop-Down List


Click the link below to download the .zip file of this plugin.


Log in to your TeamPage server and open Server Settings > Plugins. Select the .zip file and upload it.

After upload, open Server Settings > General > Manage Server page and click "Restart TeamPage" button.

If your TeamPage is hosted in the cloud environment, you will be need to restart twice.

Then open Server Settings > Plugins page again to find "Header Spaces List" plugin is enabled like this.

Now you will see the Header Spaces List displayed in the header area.


How to enter the configurations view

Server admins can configure the behaviors of this plug-in from the "Configure" link in "Header Spaces List" in Server Settings > Plugins.

Each user can (if he/she has "Account Settings" permission) configure the behaviors for him/her from the "Configure" link in "Header Spaces List" in his/her Account Settings > Plugins.

When you click the link, you will see the configurations view.

Configurations for Server Admins

These settings below are available for server admins only.

CSS for List-Type Space Selector

This setting is for the styles for the horizontal list.

For example, you can change the icon in each space item in the spaces list if you add the CSS like this.

#loc .loc-place.Marketing a.project i:before {
  content: "\f080";

#loc .loc-place.People a.project i:before {
  content: "\f0c0";

#loc .loc-place.Sandbox a.project i:before {
  content: "\f188";

The icons are rendered by using Font Awesome. Please refer to this page to find the corresponding code for the icon you want to display.

Note: the Font Awesome icon file included in TeamPage installer is not the latest one. So some of the icons can not be displayed (maybe garbled).

CSS for Drop-Down-Type Space Selector

This setting is for the styles for the drop-down list.

Configurations for Users (and Server Admins)

Server admins can configure the default settings for all users.

Each user can override the default settings configured by server admins.

Change Order of Start Page and Home Icons

If yes, the start page icon (flag icon) should be located on the right side of the home icon.

Space Selector Type

Select the type of the spaces list. List is for the horizontal list.

Space Options Type

If you select the default value "Read Own Spaces", the spaces list includes all spaces where you have the "Read Own" permission.

If you select the "Read Publish Spaces", the spaces list includes all spaces where you have the "Read Publish" permission.

If you select the "Favorite Spaces", the spaces list includes your favorite spaces. You can add and remove your favorite spaces in the "Favorites" tab in the "Spaces" box in the sidebar or your Account Settings > Preferences > Favorites.

Hide Sidebar Spaces List

If you like this Header Spaces List and think the default Spaces list in the sidebar is not necessary any more, select "Yes" here. It will be hidden.

Turn The Notifications Count Red

If yes, the count of the notifications should be colored red as below.

Show Handle Name in User Profile Page

If yes, user's handle name (e.g. "@foobar") will be displayed in the right to the user's display name.

Shared Files for Forum6330
Related Articles
Article: Forum6330 (permalink)
Categories: :Doc:plug-in
Date: December 17, 2014; 2:00:54 AM Eastern Standard Time

Author Name: Takashi Okutsu
Author ID: takashi