Title: Adding a Feed

To add a new feed, click the Add New Feed button:

This opens up a new panel underneath the empty feed list, into which you can enter the feed's information.

Most RSS and Atom feeds don't require authentication; in those cases, you can leave the additional fields blank.

If, while fetching a URL, the Feed Manager is challenged to login via realms, it will pass the username, password, and the domain you provide.

In most cases, the domain is optional, but it is required If you are trying to read an authenticated feed from another Traction server configured with Active Directory.

Once you have entered the information, click the "Subscribe to Feed" button. You can repeat this for as many feeds as you like.

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Article: Doc7 (permalink)
Date: March 22, 2008; 3:45:22 PM Eastern Daylight Time

Author Name: Documentation Importer
Author ID: importer