Title: Article Sections

When editing an article in the Article Editor, you can use the use the Edit Section form to define sections that can be inserted into the body of the article. See Sections Overview for more detailed information on the section settings.

Since most types of sections are dynamic, the ability to include sections in the body of articles gives you the ability to display information that is kept up-to-date based on the selection criteria defined when setting up the sections.

There are two steps to the process:

1. Clicking the Add sections link in the upper right of the Article Editor invokes the Section Editor letting you define sections to be used in the article. For instance, let's say you need to embed a section titled "Collateral Pieces" that lists articles with the label "collateral." You define the section just as you would when used anywhere else:

2. You then place a section into the body of the article by using the Insert/Edit Widget icon on the toolbar and selecting Article Section.

Tip: Expert users can avoid using the Insert/Edit Widget step by entering the appropriate Rapid Selector link syntax into the article. The syntax is "[[/section 1]]" where the 1 refers to the first section defined using the Edit Section form. You can replace the 1 with the Section ID value that you can associate with any given section.

When you click the Insert/Edit Widget icon, a dialog will pop up to let you choose the type of widget:

Clicking Article Section brings up a dialog asking to choose which of the defined sections to use:

In this example, the resulting embedded section will appear in the body of the article like this:

The section can be edited by clicking on the Edit sections link. It is not necessary to edit a particular widget instance unless you want to change which section it is using.

Article: Doc587 (permalink)
Date: December 31, 2008; 10:17:08 AM Eastern Standard Time

Author Name: Paul Needham
Author ID: pan