Title: Trackback - Sending Trackback Pings from Traction

It is easy to send a TrackBack ping from an article you posted in your Traction server to another TrackBack enabled server.

First, write and post an article, or navigate to an existing article. You must be in a single-entry view.

Next. Click Send TrackBack from the Article Tools menu:

Wait a moment for the following dialog box to appear. Traction needs time to auto-discover TrackBack URLs for links that are in your article.

At the top is a list of automatically discovered ping URLs. You should check to see that the URLs you are pinging are correct.

If auto-discovery did not work or you would like to add URLs, you can type in Additional TrackBack URL's to Ping in the next section.

In the upper right of the form you see the following choice of project, and whether you want to log the excerpt. In the selected Project, Traction will record the fact that you sent a TrackBack ping from the selected Article. If you choose to Log Excerpt, an Article will be posted in the selected Project with the contents of the Excerpt you send.

The title, excerpt, and blog name default to the content of the Article posted in Traction. The excerpt contains the text you wish to send in your Ping to the receiving server. You can select whether the excerpt should contain your first 200 characters, first paragraph, or entire article entry, as shown below:

You may also type your own excerpt.

Next to the drop-down, there is an option to send text or HTML... if you are pinging a Traction server, HTML works nicely.

Finally, click the Ping button:

A dialog indicates the sites that were successfully pinged:

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Article: Doc294 (permalink)
Date: March 22, 2008; 4:22:10 PM Eastern Daylight Time

Author Name: Documentation Importer
Author ID: importer