Title: Changing Perspective with the Rapid Selector

Changing Perspective with the Rapid Selector

The perspective setting governs what labels are displayed on articles and the contents of topic views. When the perspective is set to today (the default), the cumulative effect of all the reclassifications to an entry are displayed. When the perspective is set to when the entry was submitted, only the original labels are displayed (the way the entry appears in the edit form). When the perspective covers a range of dates, all the labels which were in effect throughout the period are displayed

This allows you to find entries you might not otherwise be able to recall. "I remember we had an open bug last fall...". By setting your perspective to last fall, you can recreate the topic view of :bug:open and find the entry you were looking for.

Perspective also allows you to change organization systems without worrying that you will lose any information; you can always go back and see how things used to be labeled. If you start with too many labels you can simplify, or if you need more detail you can move to more specific labels without worrying about losing old trails.

The ability to change the perspective from which you view a set of articles is one of Traction's most distinguishing -- and most subtle -- features. Many people use Traction for years without ever using this feature. Nonetheless, there is no substitute for it, and it can only be accessed via the Rapid Selector.



perspective date

Set the perspective to the specified date.

perspective date - date

Set the perspective to the specified range of dates.

perspective all

Set the perspective to all time.

perspective today

Set the perspective to today (the default).

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Article: Doc25 (permalink)
Date: March 22, 2008; 3:47:19 PM Eastern Daylight Time

Author Name: Documentation Importer
Author ID: importer