Title: Other Instant Publisher Options

The Instant Publisher has a number of other conveniences that make it easy to get things into Traction:

Screen Capture

You can capture any region of the screen and post it using the screen capture option. When you choose Screen Capture from the TIP V2 menu, the cursor changes to a cross.

You can left-click and drag over a section of the screen.

Note: Hold down the Control and Shift keys together to zoom in while you drag.

When you let go, it will open a TIP V2 form with an image of the screen capture in the body of the form.

This makes it easy to grab images from PDF files or other desktop programs where simple cut and paste does not yield a nice looking result. You can capture additional regions once the Instant Publisher is open by clicking the camera icon on the button bar.


The instant publisher menu has a Search option. Choosing this option will open a browser and load the Advanced Search form in your browser.


Click the Settings option if you need to configure another server to which you want to publish or to change the settings (e.g. your name and password, or the server URL) of an existing server for which your Instant Publisher is configured.

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Article: Doc186 (permalink)
Date: March 22, 2008; 4:10:31 PM Eastern Daylight Time

Author Name: Documentation Importer
Author ID: importer