Title: Navigating within Setup

Navigating within Setup

Using Tabs

Personal Setup, Project Setup, and Server Setup are tab-based interfaces. The currently selected tab is shown with a filled background and in boldface. To change to a different tab, click the name of the tab you want to switch to.

The page will change.

If you have Project or Server Setup permissions, you will additionally have controls that let you switch between the various interfaces.

Jumping to a User

At any time you can jump to Personal Setup for any user by selecting the user's name from the user list on the right of the screen.

If your server has more than 25 users, the pull-down menu is replaced with a type-in box that offers completion on username, full name, and email address. Once you type into this field, the matching users will appear in the menu.

Pressing enter or clicking on a selection will jump immediately to that user's personal setup. If you are already in personal setup, you will remain on the same tab.

Jumping to a Project

Similarly, the Project pull-down will take you directly to setup for the project you select.

Jumping to Server Setup

The Server link takes you directly to Server Setup.

Jumping to the Group Editor

The Groups link takes you to the group editor. You can navigate between server and project groups within that editor.

Jumping to the ACL Editor

The Access Control List (ACL) link takes you to the group editor. You can navigate between server and project groups within that editor.

Article: Doc177 (permalink)
Date: March 22, 2008; 4:09:43 PM Eastern Daylight Time

Author Name: Documentation Importer
Author ID: importer