Title: How can I dismiss, deactivate, and reactivate the Setup Assistant for the server and for each project?
TeamPage version 4.1 build 63 introduced a new Setup Assistant to help with completing typical Server and Project setup tasks.
The assistant appears at the top of the center column.
Once all the administrative tasks are completed, the assistant disappears.
If you wish to dismiss the assistant before the tasks are completed, you can click the dismiss icon, and the assistant will no longer appear:
The assistant is implemented as a plug-in. To deactivate the assistant altogether, you can go to Server Setup > Plugins and click (1) to deactivate the plug-in.
To configure the assistant at the Server level, you can click (2) to display the plug-in configuration page.
Show Server Setup Assistant controls whether the Server Setup assistant should be displayed. Note that this setting is unchecked automatically when the assistant determines that all setup tasks are complete.
The second setting Show Setup Assistant controls the default for new projects. If you do not wish the Setup Assistant to appear for new projects by default, uncheck this checkbox.
To control whether the assistant appears for specific projects, choose the project in the project pull-down menu.
The checkbox now controls whether or not the assistant should appear for the project specified. Please note that it is not possible to pin the assistant to the top of the page once all setup tasks have been completed; any time the assistant is invoked when all setup tasks have already been completed, the assistant hides itself again by unchecking this checkbox automatically.