Title: TeamPage 6.2.40

Traction® TeamPage 6.2.40 is focused on bug fixes, including a few that in rare cases might cause problems updating tag, settings, or metadata in TeamPage environments that have a relatively high load of write operations. The release also improves reporting of Signature Requirements related to deactivated accounts. Read on for the full list of changes.

Download TeamPage 6.2.40

Bug Fixes

• Fixed a set of issues that could, in certain relatively rare circumstances, cause TeamPage to fail to completely apply the effects of write operations such as tag changes or modifications to user preferences. The consequences of these failures would be relatively minor, but the state of certain data, such as the tags currently present on certain entries or the current values of preferences for a particular user account, might be incorrect until the journal's metadata indices were rebuilt. (Server92783 / Server92798 / Server92801 / Server92808)

• Fixed a bug that, in certain rare cases, certain tag change operations can fail due to an unexpected failure to identify the tags that are being added or removed. In these cases, an error might be reported to the user attempting to apply the tag change indicating a NullPointerException had occurred on the server. (Server92809)

• Fixed a bug that could, in rare situations, cause one of TeamPage's background task processing systems to grind to a halt, and prevent a graceful server shutdown. This would only happen when certain special background tasks, intended to allow components to reinitialize themselves after TeamPage configuration data have been reloaded, would themselves trigger further background tasks of a certain type. (This issue should only affect a TeamPage server during active development of certain types of customizations.) (Server92828)

• Fixed a bug that could prevent TeamPage from starting up after a plug-in had been installed that contained a plug-in configuration file missing certain properties; or when the name of the root folder contained in a plug-in package .zip file includes certain types of characters. (Server92814)



• Added support for properly observing the configured "Date Range" for sections of type "Tasks", "Milestones" and "Projects". (Server92845)

Signature Requirements Module

• Modified the way that signature requirements and signature table summaries are displayed to avoid mentioning anything about requirements that might have applied to user accounts that have been deactivated. Seeing deactivated accounts in these places could easily become a distraction. (Proteus16069)

Article: Customer5167 (permalink)
Categories: :Doc:changelog, :Doc:r62
Date: July 29, 2019; 2:10:48 PM Eastern Daylight Time

Author Name: Dave Shepperton
Author ID: shep