Title: TeamPage 6.2.35

Traction® TeamPage 6.2.35 is a very small and targeted release focused on fixing a few bugs, including one related to tag-based queries, that were introduced in TeamPage 6.2.31. Please read on for the full details.

Download TeamPage 6.2.35

Bug Fixes

• Fixed a bug that could prevent tag-based queries from returning certain results. Specifically, some results that were "cross-tagged" from spaces other than the ones to which the tags belong might not always be returned. (Server91699)

• Fixed a bug that could cause the results on the All Spaces > Tags > Cloud and Tags > Index page to be incorrect when using a date range other than All time. (Server90842)

• Fixed a bug that could prevent tag change records from appearing when using certain custom combinations of entry type filters. This does not apply when using TeamPage's built-in entry type filter interfaces in, e.g., Activity > Feed or Activity > Changes views. (Server91769)

Article: Customer5146 (permalink)
Categories: :Doc:changelog, :Doc:r62
Date: March 22, 2019; 12:04:37 PM Eastern Daylight Time

Author Name: Dave Shepperton
Author ID: shep