Title: TeamPage 6.1.17

In keeping with our recent pattern, Traction® TeamPage 6.1.17 is focused on a small set of bug fixes and improvements, including fixes for two issues introduced in the previous release.

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Bug Fixes

• Fixed a regression introduced in TeamPage 6.1.16 that could have allowed users who have permission to erase a particular entry to modify its attachments or shared files without having permission to edit the entry. TeamPage 6.1.17 correctly restores the enforcement of requirement of permission to edit an entry in order to modify its attachments or shared files, while leaving in place the recently introduced requirement that a user have either permission to erase or to edit the entry in order to erase any of its attachments or shared files. (b45a8af94f49)

• Fixed a regression introduced in TeamPage 6.1.16 that could prevent the first page from loading in your browser when opening a TeamPage server before setting up a journal to use (usually for the first time). (Server81408)

• Fixed a bug that could prevent a TeamPage server from correctly identifying and reporting a failure to resolve the backing attachment store mechanism to use with the current journal if one wasn't specified in the journal configuration data, resulting in a StackOverflowError being reported to users requesting any page that would require retrieving one or more attachments or other files through such a mechanism. This is an extremely unlikely condition, but could arise in conjunction with the bug mentioned above when running a newly installed TeamPage server for the first time. (Server81407)

• Fixed an issue that could cause the server- and space-level "Documents" tabs to appear in some TeamPage deployments using very old file repository mechanisms that do not support this feature. (Proteus14212)

• Fixed a bug that caused some tabs, such as those for "Tasks" and "Calendar", to improperly appear on the user profile pages for some of TeamPage's built-in accounts, correctly omitting user profile pages that are applicable to named accounts only. Now the only tabs that can appear on the user profiles pages for built-in user accounts are those for "Dashboard" and "Activity." (Proteus14220)

• Fixed the rendering of the general "Tags" column as it appears in the newest generation of section table renderings so that the space prefix will be omitted when appropriate. Additional known issues with the newest generation of section tables will be fixed in an upcoming release. (Server81364)

Other Changes

• Added support for the "Thread Root" and "Task Root" entry fields, which are intended to show the title of an the root of an entry's discussion thread or task relationship hierarchy, respectively. (Server81363)

• Some modifications have been made to the newest generation section table widget column renderings to achieve better parity with the previous generation. Chiefly, this involves ensuring that when the column display value refers to an entry, that the entry's title be displayed rather than its Traction ID (and/or without its Traction ID accompanying it). (Server81365)

For Developers

• EntryField configurations using the ReferenceBucketEntryField class can now use the entry.field.references tag to iterate over the Reference objects, providing access to the reference.* SDL tag set for each Reference.

• The com.traction.sdk.admin.FilePermission enum now contains separate permissions for lock and unlock; checking in and checking out; and for moving. Also, com.traction.sdk.File's getPermissions method returns a FilePermissions object that correctly takes into account the current status of the file (e.g., is it locked or checked out?) in computing the effective permissions that a user has for a File at the time of the request (e.g., even if the user would normally have permission to lock the file, if it is already locked, the result will not include that permission).

Article: Customer4920 (permalink)
Categories: :Doc:changelog
Date: May 31, 2016; 6:32:47 AM Eastern Daylight Time

Author Name: Christopher Nuzum
Author ID: cjn